حين نضع أنفسنا بداخل صندوق مليء بصعوبات أفكارنا أو أفكار الغير، والتي كانت سببًا في سقوطنا إلى الهاوية لكثرة التفكير بها، لذلك لا نستطيع الخروج منها، وقد تزداد أكثر سوءًا حين نجعلها مستقرة فينا وننميها بشكل خاطئ، فمثلًا حين نشعر بالملل أو الحزن أو الفراغ المؤذي الذي لا فائدة فيه، أو أي فعل قد يجعل تلك الحلقة التابعة لمشاعرنا مليئة بالعقبات التي قد تكبر معنا إن فكرنا أو تعمقنا بها، قد تجعل منا شخصيات باردة ومخيفة وباهتة كما هو جزء من سلبية اللون الأسود المدمج باللون الرمادي والقليل من الأبيض الذي كان يشع لنا النور بإيجابيته من قبل، فهل سمعت الحكمة التي وصفت تجاذبنا – للأشياء السيئة – من حولنا، وأننا السبب في اتساع وجذب الاشياء السيئة لنا؛ لأننا كثيرًا ما نتفوه بها أو نفكر بها أو نحدق بها كشيء أصيب بلعنة وابتلينا به، (لا تحدق طويلاً في الهاوية حتى لا تلتفت إليك. – فريدريك نيتشه)

وليس فقط الأشياء أيضًا، الاشخاص السلبية التي تقتل أحلامنا وطموحنا بكلماتها وأفعالها وحسدها السام لنا، كل ما علينا أن نقف أمامها ونقاتل كل سلبية تحيط بنا، وننظر لأنفسنا ولمستقبلنا لكي نمضي بطريق مزهر مشع بنور الشمس والغيم الكثيف، كن لنفسك شخصًا طاردًا للسلبية (خذ حذرك وأنت تقاتل الوحوش حتى لا تصبح واحداً منهم، ولا تحدق طويلاً في الهاوية حتى لا تنظر الهاوية أيضاً إليك وتنفذ فيك. – فريدريش نيتشه)

كرر بعقلك: أنا جاذب للأشياء الإيجابية وطارد للسلبية، بعد أن تأخذ نفسًا عميقًا وتخرجه بزفير وتكررها حتى تطرد السلبية عنك، لكي تفكر بشكل صحيح، احذف كلمة “مستحيل” وضع بدلا منها كلمة “تحدي”، ستستطيع تجاوز أي مشكلة بحياتك، ادفع نفسك للأمام كل يوم، وإن ضاعت عليك فرصة واحترق قلبك، كن إيجابيًا وتذكر قوله – عز وجل -: ﴿ فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا * إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا ﴾ [الشرح: 5، 6].
ما من شدة إلا سيأتي لها من بعد شدتِها رخاء، وما من عسر في هذه الدنيا إلا وسيكتنفه يسر.

(إضاءة): اختيار الأسود؛ لما سمعنا عنه من خلال الأخصائيين النفسيين والاجتماعيين أن المصاب النفسي قد يرى الحياة التي كان يعيشها في بعض الأحيان أنها أصبحت كغمامة سوداء مثل: الاكتئاب وغيره من تلك الأمراض، وأيضا ارتبط هذا اللون بالموت واسوداد الوجه حين تولد الفتاة بالجاهلية وغيرها من القصص التي وردت بالقران الكريم، ولكن مهما كانت سلبيته إلا أن إيجابيته كانت أقوى كقوة هذا اللون، موجودة لدى المجتمع المصري القديم، فقد عبر أنه لون الحياة، وقد كان اللون الأسود هو لون التربة الغرينيّة في مصر، والتي تُسقى من نهر النيل، وهي تربة خصبة تعتبر مصدر النمو والحياة، ومن الأمور الأخرى التي كان للون الأسود أثرٌ إيجابيٌ فيها هي اختراع الحبر الأسود، حيث كان أول اختراع للحبر الأسود في الهند والصين، ففي الصين اخترع الحبر الأسود شخص يُدعى (تين لشيو)، من خلال استخدام خشب الصنوبر والزيوت المستخدمة في إضاءة المصابيح، وفي الهند اختُرع الحبر الأسود من خلال استخدام العظام المحروقة مع مادة القطران وموادٍ أخرى، أمّا أثر الحبر الأسود الإيجابي فقد انعكس على وضوح عملية القراءة، فإنّ التباين الشديد بين اللون الأسود للحبر واللون الأبيض للورق هو ما جعل عملية القراءة واضحةً جداً.
فالأسود ليس لونًا كئيبًا أو حزينًا، إنهُ أنيق، ولكن انظروا له بإيجابية واخرجوا من تلك الغمامة السوداء حتى تسعدون ولا تصابون بذرة يأس.
بقلم: خوله محمد.
تدقيق لغوي ومراجعة: حليمة الشمري.

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  35. APA style includes section levels to organize the pages or major sections of the paper. Each new of these new pages or sections should begin on a new page. An APA paper should be organized as follows (Click on image to open the PDF view and enlarge) Here we are going to look at some myths and facts about accessible and usable typography as relevant to APA Style. The main takeaway is this: There do not have to be trade-offs—you can have great, expressive, nuanced typography that also meets or exceeds all regulatory and functional accessibility requirements. To paraphrase David Berman, when we style for the extremes and we do it well, everyone benefits. You can find the professional paper template, along with sample papers by type (mixed methods, literature review, etc.), at the below link. The professional paper template is only to be used for doctoral work or if specifically requested by your instructor:
    Note that in the first example, the reader cannot know how the quotation fits into the paragraph. Also, note that the word both was unclear. In the revision, however, that the writer clearly (a) explained the quotations as well as the source material, (b) introduced the information sufficiently, and (c) integrated the ideas into the paragraph. Impact Factor – What is it?; Why use it? Cause and effect papers are usually the first types of research papers that high school and college students are confronted with. The answer questions like “Why?” and “What?”, which reflect effects and causes. In business and education fields, cause and effect papers will help trace a range of results that could arise from a particular action or situation.

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    Clover is for people who want to feel a larger sense of community in their dating app, especially as dating apps and social media services blend into each other. Other apps could learn from its innovative features. No list would be complete without the OG dating app Tinder, which arguably normalised swiping and the response, “On a dating app” to the question, “So how did you two meet?” You’ve probably downloaded, deleted and re-downloaded it several times and have a story or two to share from dates you’ve arranged through it. It’s largely responsible for the gamification of dating, which sounds bad in theory, but it’s just so darn fun… There are few, if any, decent free dating apps. Those that do cost money (most of them) are fairly expensive. We’re just giving you a heads up and helping to set your expectations. Here are the best dating apps for Android. All of these apps are at least usable by you LGBTQ folks out there. Additionally, the prices for dating apps changes a lot with little notice several times per year. Prices are approximate. We still recommend the usual methods of dating, including friend introductions, public places, Facebook, and the other usual suspects.

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  38. © All rights reserved 2020 Academy Sports & Outdoors Inc. shares jumped nearly 10% on Monday after it was announced the retailer would join the S&P Small Cap 600 Index , effective prior to the opening of Wednesday trading. Academy Sports replaces K… © All rights reserved 2020 Serum Institute tops profit charts among unlisted firms amid Covid war Here is the list of 31 small cap stocks identified by BSE where its new rule would be applied from 3rd week of August, 2021. This list would get updated with additions/removals on periodic basis. ETF Movers: Includes ETFs & ETNs with volume of at least 50,000. Sources: FactSet, Dow Jones Even in the Midcap space, big stocks like Reliance Communications, Kansai Nerolac, Max Financial Services slipped in the beginning of 2018. See below:
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    When you see the list of classic slots from IGT, you will quickly realize that this studio defined the progress of slot games over multiple decades. They were the first producer to link games to form a wide area progressive jackpot. They were also the first producer to put a mechanical wheel on top of a slot cabinet and to create bonus games like ‘Pinball’ on the top part of a cabinet housing a reel-based slot. The innovation continued with early video slots. Games with free spins bonuses and multiplier wild symbols are common today, though 20 years ago, these games were novelties, with many players skeptical that they would ever replace the regular (mechanical) ‘reel slots’. Royal Spins is an IGT online slot containing 5 paylines to which 1, 2, 3, 4, or all, can be activated in sequential order. The theme is a throwback to older Vegas-style slot machine games, featuring the Number 7 and Bell icons as top-paying reel elements. The Number 7 is of great significance as it is capable of increasing the Progressive Cherry Bonus.

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  45. Pokern lernen & besser werden: Mit welchen Büchern und Webseiten Du Poker lernen und Deine Skills verbessern kannst. Beherzigen Sie diesen Poker Strategie-Tipp für Anfänger: Ein aggressives Spiel erzeugt große Pots. Wenn Sie eine gute Hand haben, dann holen Sie sich von den anderen Spielern so viel Sie können. So macht Poker am meisten Spaß und ist am spannendsten. Dieses Video vermittelt dir mit welchen Händen du als Einsteiger im No Limit Texas Hold’em Poker mitspielen kannst und welche Hände du besser gar nicht erst mitspielst. Poker ist ein Spiel mit einem normalen Kartenspiel von 52 Karten, bei dem die Spieler Wetten gegeneinander einsetzen und sich auf ihre Hand, ihre Pokerstrategie und ihr Glück verlassen, um den Pot zu gewinnen. Die gebräuchlichste und beliebteste Version von Poker ist Texas Hold’em. Hier wird deine Pokerhand gebildet, nachdem du zwei Hole Cards und fünf Community Cards (drei am Flop, eine am Turn und eine am River) erhalten hast. Diese musst du kombinieren, um eine Fünf-Karten-Hand mit dem meisten Eigenkapital zu bilden.
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  48. Il blackjack è un gioco di carte molto semplice nel quale il margine del banco è piuttosto ridotto, due fattori che lo hanno reso il più giocato gioco da casino in assoluto. Ecco le regole di base per imparare il blackjack. La sua popolarità non aumenta di molto perchè il governo statunitense rende illegale il gioco d’azzardo, ma continua ad essere giocato di nascosto fino al 1931, anno in cui il gioco viene legalizzato nel Nevada e diventa uno dei giochi più famosi di Las Vegas. Naturalmente, è ancora possibile superare il 21. Pertanto, dovreste chiedere un’altra carta solo se avete 9 o meno. Tuttavia, dovreste fermarvi a 17 o più. Solitamente le regole del blackjack online pagano una vincita normale alla pari, e un blackjack al raddoppio. Se per esempio avete puntato 10€ e il banco sballa, recupererete i vostri 10€ più altri 10€; ma se lo stesso avviene con un vostro blackjack, oltre all’investimento iniziale otterrete altri 20€.
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    Crypto platforms can look like banks and even act like banks, but they are not banks. Find out why it’s dangerous to use a crypto platform for your day-to-day banking. Example: convert 15 Bitcoin to United States Dollar:15 Bitcoin = 15 × 29989.959661405 United States Dollar = 449849.39492107 United States Dollar There are currently no items in this Watchlist. Bitcoin’s high value is determined by a number of factors. The cryptocurrency was the first to solve the Byzantine Generals’ problem, bringing trust to a decentralized system. As the system is decentralized and is governed by code, its fixed and predictable monetary policy cannot be changed unless there’s consensus to do so. LinkForestAwaiting response Many governments have taken a hands-off approach to crypto, but its rapid ascent and evolution, coupled with the rise of DeFi, has forced regulators to begin crafting rules for the emerging sector. Regulations vary widely around the world, with some governments embracing cryptocurrencies and others banning them outright. The challenge for regulators, experts say, is to develop rules that limit traditional financial risks without stifling innovation.

  53. PokerStars Casino is available in Michigan as well as New Jersey and Pennsylvania. PokerStars slots are available for real-money play in all three states. N2275 RdClinton, OK 73601 Welcome to PokerStars, where you’ll find the best tournaments and games, secure deposits, fast withdrawals and award-winning software. This is where champions are born, and you could be next. You’ll also find rules and hand rankings for Texas Hold’em, Omaha and other poker games. Practice your skills with Play Money or join real money games. There’s no better place to learn and play poker. Please note that real money play is only possible when physically located in the state of Pennsylvania. The Flutter subsidiary first received a local license in July last year. Now, “a range of PokerStars’ popular real and play money poker games and tournaments, casino titles, sports betting markets, and promotions is now available” to players at PokerStars.GR, according to a press release, as well as on desktop, tablet and mobile for iOS and Android.
    The cost to the online poker room would be so great that it would not be in their best interest to run the gamble and risk the liability associated with such a scandal. Many players might say, “But wait, they make so much money that a couple million dollars fine is a slap on their rich hand!” But the reality is that laws and regulations are in place in this modern age of online poker, and the punishment to casinos is much higher than a “slap on the wrist.” 3 card poker is the casino variant of online poker. This is the game that you’re going to find in a lot of online and live casinos and while it resembles poker, it’s a long way from both Texas Hold’em and Omaha. Player liquidity would not be a problem for California, a state with more than three times the population of Pennsylvania and more than four times that of New Jersey — two states where online poker has been legalized. That said, until California can come together to legalize sports betting, including online sports betting sites, the prospect for legalizing online gambling, including online poker, will remain dim.

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