قد يتبادر إلى ذهن الفرد منا فكرة الخلود، وكيف يبلغها، أو عن ترياق الحياة، والحلم بالمكوث الدائم، فهي ليست وليدة اللحظة بل هي من أبد الدهر فذلك لقمان بن عاد رجل بمئة رجل وحاسته بحاسة مئة منهم اعتلى عرش التراث العربي وشاعت قصته وبلغت أسطورته مبلغاً جللاً، فتوسط شعر العرب في جاهليتهم وإسلامهم، فما عساه يكون؟

كان لقمان بن عاد كما واسمه يصف من قوم عاد من العرب البائدة، وكان من وفدهم الذي بلغ مكة ليسألوا الله أن يرفع عنهم البلاء ويغيثهم بالمطر، وقد فعل الله وخيرهم بين السحاب في القصة المعروفة، لكن لقمان كان من بينهم ذو حكمة وعقل وميالاً لهود وطريقته فوقف في مكة فسمع منادياً يقول: يا لقمان اسأل تعطى. فقال: اللهم يا رب البحار الخضر، والأرض ذات النبت بعدَ القطرْ، أسألكَ عمراً فوقَ كل عمر. فرد المنادي وقال: قد أجيبَت دعوتكَ وأعطيتَ سؤالكَ ولا سبيلَ إلى الخلود، واختر إن شئتَ: بقاءَ سبع بقراتٍ عفْر، في جبل وَعْرْ، لا يَمسَسْهن ذعر. وإن شئْتَ بقاءَ سبع نواياتٍ من تَمر، مستَودعاتٍ في صخر، لا يَمسَسْهن نَدى ولا قَطرْ. وإن شئْتَ بقاءَ سبعة نسورٍ كلما هَلَكَ نسرٌ عَقَبَ بَعدَه نَسر.

سكت هنية ثم قال: بل سبعة نسور. وذلك أنه يقال بإن النسر يعيش ٣٠٠ عام وقيل ٥٠٠ عام. فرد عليه المنادي وقال: يا لقمان المغرور ببقاء النسور، اذهب إلى جبل أبي قبيس واصعد رأس ثُبير.
ففعل وانطلق كما قيل له فوجد عشاً فيه فرخين فاختار بينهما وعقد بقدمه خيط واسماه المصون، تيمناً بأن يصان ويحفظ، وكان هذا المصون يعرف صوت لقمان إن دعاه فلا يتأخر عنه ولا يتوانى، وذات يوم دعاه، ثم دعاه، وكرر النداء ولكن دون جدوى. انطلق لقمان للبحث عن نسره فوجده ملقاً على الأرض ميت، فصاح وجزع وضاقت به السبل وانتهى سُبع عمره.

ما هي إلا أيام حتى سمع نفس الصوت في الطائف يقول: يا لقمان اصعد أعلى الجبل، مرعى الوعل، فهناك البدل.
ففعل، ووجده كما في المرة الأولى واختار وعقد واسماه عوض، ليكون عوضاً عن سابقه، لكن الدهر مهما طال لابد وأن ينقضي، واشتد عود عوض، وناداه لقمان وبيده لحم، فأتى عوض مسرعاً يحرك الهواء بجناحيه فارتطم رأسه بغصن فسقط ومات، وجزع لقمان هذه المرة جزعاً أعظم وأشد فلقد مضى الثلث من عمره.

فمازال لقمان يمر بالنسر تلو النسر، فحصل له خلف ومن بعده المغيب ومن ثم ميسرة وأنس والختام كان مع لُبد.

فقال لقمان حين امسكه فرخاً: أنت لُبد الباقي المخلد إلى آخر الأبد، عيشك معي رغد ويزاح عنك النكد، ويوفق لك الرُشد، وعمرك لا ينفد.
ولُبد بلغة العرب تعني الدهر، وكان له من اسمه نصيب فلقد بقي مع لقمان إلى أن بلغ العجز وركضت به السنون، حتى أتى ذلك اليوم الذي قال له لقمان: انهض لبد. فكان لبد لا يقوى النهوض فقد وهن جسده ودق عظمه. فقال لقمان مرعوباً: انهض لبد، أنت الأبد، لا ينقطع بي الأمد! انهض شدد.
فقام لقمان ينهض نسره ولكن! تنتف ريشه بمجرد لمس لقمان له، مات لبد وانتهت النسور السبع، رفع رأسه لقمان فتصلبت عروق ظهره ومات.

مات لقمان بعد أن عاش قرابة ٤٠٠٠ سنه، كان الناجي الوحيد من عذاب عاد، ولكن النجاة ليست دائمة.
مات من دارت حوله الأساطير والقصص، من عاصر حقباً عربية، وصار نسياً كما لم يكن.

فالخلود حُلم الجاهل المتعشم بالحياة، فلا طريق له، والأصلح بالمرء هو استبقاء الأثر، لا استبقاء النفس والروح، وإن العمر وإن بلغ مبلغه فهو منقضي لا محالة، ولن تأخذ أكثر من حقك، فاصبر واصطبر ولعل الله محدثٌ أمراً.

الكاتبة: سحر الضبيب.
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  7. Although derived from the same plant, there are important differences between medical and recreational cannabis. For example, medical users may seek out strains and forms to alleviate symptoms while minimizing intoxication (primarily through cannabidiol or CBD), whereas recreational users may primarily be taking cannabis for euphoric effects (i.e. strains with higher THC levels). Craveable confections infused with premium quality cannabis. Get a taste of our delightful bites. You know you want some! The process for obtaining medical cannabis is the same in Ontario as it is in other Canadian provinces, however, the process is still quite different than the process of getting other types of prescriptions. Medical cannabis in Canada is regulated under the Cannabis Act. Patients should not allow other individuals or third parties to submit their applications or any other documents to the MMMP as patients will be unable to determine when or if their applications were submitted. Patients should not allow other individuals or third parties to retain copies of their documents, state-issued driver licenses, personal identification cards, or voter registrations as that increases the possibility of fraudulent submissions. https://watchtowergeeks.com/community/profile/jimmyriggins155/ Search veterans.gc.ca In other words, patients must obtain their cannabis projects from licensed suppliers and not “grey market” dispensers that are still operating in communities across the province. So just how do you go about getting covered in Canada? Well, it has a lot to do with why you need the cannabis, and the list of covered conditions is very short. As of May, AOK had approved 9,700 patients for medical marijuana, about two-thirds of its applications since Germany legalized medical marijuana last March. They launched the first medical marijuana program in Canada this fall in conjunction with Shoppers Drug Mart. Canada currently imposes excise duties on beer, wine, spirits, tobacco products, and more recently, cannabis products. Additional excise taxes mean higher retail prices for the consumer, or in this case, medical cannabis patients. Excise tax can differ from province to province, but the default is $1 per gram or 10% of the sale prices, whichever is higher. However, with medical cannabis, the good news is that certain select licensed producers have chosen to absorb excise taxes.

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  26. In a seminal 1992 interpretation of the collection of The Maryland Historical Society (MdHS) from an African-American perspective, artist Fred Wilson created an installation by re-juxtaposing objects and documents from the collection. The title of the exhibition, Mining the Museum, reflected the process— mining the collection for items, most of which were in storage, as well as the emerging theme—a representation of history that felt more “mine” to the artist than that previously presented. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. Next, the body of a paper is the main part that will lay out all the information you’ve gathered, selected, assessed, and created yourself. Body must be divided into sections. Each section covers one important idea and presents it in a logical, well-organized manner. The body can come in different formats, but normally will include the following sections: methods, results, and discussion. These sections let the reader know everything there is about the research they’ve conducted, the participants, empirical methods and tools used, as well as the data processing and presenting strategies.
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    UEFA Nations League Cologne Director General Horst Heldt and Mainz head coach Achim Beierlorzer are interviewed – in socially distanced conditions – pre-match.  A whisker wide from Cologne’s Florian Kainz, cutting in on his right-foot aiming for the left-hand corner! And Bundesliga side FC Koln cashed in on the exposure with their funny reaction to being featured on the page. A whisker wide from Cologne’s Florian Kainz, cutting in on his right-foot aiming for the left-hand corner! Cologne were on a stunning run of form before football was paused, and are in 10th on 32 points – five points off a European spot.  For those who don’t have much time to get full details about the team 1. FC Cologne SRL, fscore.org.uk presents the club’s statistics for this season:%TeamStats%

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  35. In addition to choosing a sensitivity-friendly formula, you can help reduce the risk of irritation by cleaning up your makeup routine (literally). Liquid eyeliners need to be replaced after six months because there’s no way to clean them, and the bacteria that develops can cause irritation and even infections (the same goes for your mascara). This isn’t as much of a concern for pencil eyeliners, because sharpening them keeps them fresh. Don’t worry. I learned about high-quality eyeliners when I worked at Sephora. There are plenty of eyeliners that won’t budge or smear on your waterline. All of these eyeliners are long-lasting and pigmented. Plus, you can find these liners at all different price ranges. Here are the best waterline eyeliner options. When it comes to the waterline, the NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil is long-lasting despite not being waterproof. The formula is smooth, soft, and creamy, so it glides onto the waterline effortlessly.
    With two uniquely shaped felt tip brushes, this eyeliner pen is great for practising and perfecting your liner look. Use the thin end for precise lines and the thicker end for a bolder look or to press against the skin to create an eyeliner flick. THE REVIEWS: “This is a great, highly pigmented eyeliner that draws a nice fine line,” writes one tester. “It’s good for those who don’t want heavy eyeliner.” According to Dr. Janelle Davidson, people who wear contact lenses or have sensitive eyes should be a bit more discerning about what eyeliner they use. She recommends avoiding waterproof eyeliners as well as formulas with talc, sulfates, BAK (benzalkonium chloride), and BHA. Above all, I love that you can choose from three stamp sizes — 8, 10, and 12 millimeters — to customize your final look. Each order comes with a fine-tip liquid eyeliner for defining your lash line, while the stamp has two ends for your left and right eyes.

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