حين تريد أن تبحث عن شخص ما، ابحث عن شخص يعجب بك ويحبك بجميع عيوبك، ينتظرك حتى وان غبت عنه فترة معينة أو أخذتكم المسافات إلى أبعد مكان، يساعدك ويسعدك، يحترم رأيك، لا يتقبل سماع الإساءة عنك، ينقل لك ما سمع ولكن بطريقة لا تجرحك حتى لا تتفاجأ من أشخاص كنت تعتقدهم شيئًا بحياتك، يكون الناصح لك، والعكس تماما له.

مرورا على مكان أنتمي له حبًا؛ في أحد الأيام على الشاطئ، كنت أتأمل الغيوم والبحر) فأنا من عشاق الغيوم وتأسرُني رؤيتها دائما، وأتبع شوقي لصوت الأمواج ورؤية البحر، أخذت استنشق الهواء فإذا بضحكات أسمعها لصاحبين يركضان على الشاطئ ويلعبان بالماء، كنت أنظر اليهم وأنا مسرورة لذلك، لا أعرف لماذا، وما إن تعبوا من اللعب، حتى قرروا الجلسوا بعدها على الشاطئ، ومن هنا سمعتهم يتسامرون و يتذكرون أيامهم الحلوة والمرة التي حصلت لهم، فكانت إحدى القصص التي سمعتها قصة طفولتهما التي دامت على مدى ٢٥ سنة، وكيف صبروا ووصلوا وتجاوزوا جميع أنواع المعاناة مع كثير من شخصيات البشر الغريبة والعجيبة، ولكن أجمل قصة سمعتها وعاشت بمخيلتي حتى الآن هي أن سعيد ساعد محمد بأن يتزوج حبيبته حتى رزق الله سعيد بأن تكون من أحبها منذ زمن بعيد زوجةً له، احببت صداقتهم وتبادلهم وتقاسمهم للحياة بنقاء، تلك هي الصداقة التي يبحث عنها جميع البشر، ليس بالصداقة فقط بل أيضا بالمحبة التي تكون بين أي شخصين، كونوا أنقياء من الداخل، تقاسموا الحياة بجميع ألوانها وأشكالها، سامحوا وتصافحوا وساعدوا، ولا تجعلوا الحياة تأخذ منكم الجميل وترمي بكم على أشخاص يذيقونكم وجع الحياة فقط!

فالأشخاص الأنقياء يصعب إيجادهم، يصعب تركهم، ويستحيل نسيانهم، فلو سألت أحدهم سيجيبك: أنا لا أريد من صديقي أن يمشي أمامي ولا خلفي، أريده أن يكون بجواري حتى نصل سويًا إلى الهدف المراد. تجمعكم المواقف وتكملها الحياة بقلوب مثل لؤلؤة ناصعة البياض داخل محار موجودة في وسط محيط يصعب إيجادها إلا بعد محاولات عدة؟ وفي أجمل ما قيل لنزار قباني: ” أنت محظوظ جدًا إن كنت تملك شخصا تحكي له عن تصرفاتك السيئة دون أن يفكر بأنك شخص سيء؛ لأنه يعرف جيدًا أن الذي بداخلك أنقى وأجمل “، وأخيرًا: سلامًا على الذين لا تبدلهم الحياة، ولا تفرقهم الطرق، ولا تغيرهم الظروف.

الكاتبة : خوله محمد

‏Snap: khokhsq10

‏Twitter: kms200916

المدققة: حليمة الشمري.

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    Hinge is the Instagram of dating apps. Seriously, it’s a millennial’s dream. Some people say it hides in Tinder’s shadow, but if you want a bit more accountability then this app is perfect as in their latest survey, Hinge found they are setting up a date every two seconds. In an email to Fortune, Match Group, Tinder’s owner, chalked up the change to experimenting. “We constantly test new updates and features to offer convenience,” a spokesperson says. Tinder is expected to address the change during an August 6 earnings call. Tinder is the next one to remove its Google Play Store integration within the Android app. It does so to avoid the service charge that can go as high as 30%. “Ten years ago, Match Group was Google’s partner. We are not its hostage,” the complaint said(Opens in a new window), asserting that Google has begun preemptively rejecting app updates and threatened to remove its apps from the Play Store if Match doesn’t comply with an upcoming policy change.

  24. i like gta 5 for my life for ever GTA 5 Real Life Mod is a free-to-use user-created mod for Grand Theft Auto V. This game utility allows players to add various forms of realism into the game,… The game is set in the San Francisco Bay Area, and players will encounter a host of realistic activities. The open-world environment allows you to take on various challenges and missions. Watch Dogs 2 was released on November 15, 2016. Players can use a variety of tools and items such as vehicles, mobile phones, drones, and weapons to explore the game’s world and can also hack into various electronic devices within the game. This game is undoubtedly one of the Best Games Like GTA 5 To Download On PC. GTA 5 system requirements are here for those who say that my computer will remove GTA 5. Here are the minimum system requirements for playing GTA V on PC and laptop:
    Canadian relations with China have been uneasy for several years, intensifying in recent months over allegations of attempts to influence and interfere in Canadian affairs. Parents need to know that Bloons TD 4 is a strategic “tower defense” game in which you control an army of monkeys that need to defeat an invasion of oncoming balloons. Each balloon you pop earns you money to buy more defenses, which range from glue guns and tacks to cannons and bomber planes. The art (and situation) is cartoony, but some of the weapons bring about fiery explosions. No monkeys are hurt, though — only balloons are popped. Players can share high scores via the Game Center social network, but participation is optional. The original (Flash and freemium) Bloons TD 5 was released on December 13, 2011. The proprietary version of BTD5 was released on iOS worldwide on November 15, 2012, for iPhones and iPods with improved graphics and additional upgrades, tracks, towers, and bloon types. On November 19, 2014, it was released on Steam.

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  26. Each new day four new fossils will spawn somewhere on your island. If you don’t yet have access to the areas across your island’s rivers or to its elevated areas, you may find less than four given that they can spawn in those areas as well. A large collection of well-preserved theropod dinosaur swim tracks from the Lower Jurassic Moenave Formation, St. George, Utah2006 • Dinosaurs are classified into two types by the shape of their hip bones: (1) the lizard-hipped dinosaurs, saurischians, and (2) the bird-hipped dinosaurs, ornithischians. The lizard-hipped dinosaurs include the ‘carnivorous’ theropods (which were actually mostly vegetarian1,2) and the plant-eating long-necked, long-tailed huge dinosaurs called sauropods. The ornithischians or ornithopods include the many types of duck-billed dinosaurs and the similar Iguanodon, as well as the horned dinos like Triceratops and armoured dinos like Ankylosaurus.
    Multiplayer games are ideal if you want to take on the world in fun online battles and 3D open worlds. Read on for some top recommendations if you’re unsure what game you want to play next. There are plenty of other multiplayer games in the FPS/TPS genre like PUBG Mobile, Garena Free Fire, New State Mobile, etc. Still, the variety and versatility of COD Mobile make it possible for the title to stand out. Stardew Valley is a critically-acclaimed 2D farming sim adventure game that supports local/online multiplayer on PC. Mario Kart Tour can be played with a group of friends, but for people that live with siblings, partners, or friends and want some fun together with two-player mobile games, MK Tour is perfect for one on one competitive fun. It’s one of the best two-player mobile games for both Android and iPhone, as the game extends across both platforms.

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  33. How it spreads: People can get toxoplasmosis through contact with cat poop or by eating undercooked meat or shellfish. Cats become infected by eating infected rodents, birds, or other small animals. The parasite then sheds in the cat’s feces, contaminating the environment or the cat’s litterbox. People can get infected by consuming contaminated food or water. People can also become infected if they do not wash their hands after cleaning a cat’s litterbox or handling anything contaminated by cat poop. If you cannot locate the owner after several days or weeks of observation and the cat continues to appear healthy the cat should be allowed to remain in the area without human intervention. It is very possible the cat belongs to a neighbor and is an indoor outdoor cat.
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