سأحكي لكم قصتي:
عندما أنهيت دراستي الثانوية بتفوق وحصلت على منحة دراسية خارج المملكة العربية السعودية، بدأ والدي بتجهيز جميع الأوراق الرسمية وأنهى إجراءات السفر استعدادًا للرحيل، وعندما حانت لحظة السفر حزمت أمتعتي وودّعت أهلي وأقاربي، كان الحزن يخيّم علينا ثم غادرت إلى المطار مع أخي وبداخلي تساؤلات كثيرة؛
“كيف سأعيش هناك؟
وكيف سأتقبل عاداتهم وتقاليدهم؟
وهل سيكون ذلك البلد أفضل من وطني؟”
وعندما وصلنا المطار بحمد الله ثم صعدنا الطائرة، لازالت مشاعر الخوف تتملّكني ليس رهبة من الرحلة التي ستستغرق عشر ساعات! ولكن من المجهول الذي ينتظرني في بلد لا أعرفه. أثناء الرحلة أزعجني كثيرًا خلع بعض الفتيات لحجابهن بالكامل قبل هبوط الطائرة!
انتهت رحلتنا الجوية، وبدأنا بالنزول متّجهين لصالة استقبال المسافرين، وهناك رأيت تلك الفتيات مرة أخرى فحركتني الغيرة على ديني لأتّجه إليهن وأقدّم النصح لهن، ولكن لم يتقبّلن حديثي ونعتوني بـ”المتخلفة”!
وعندما بدأت رحلتي الدراسية في الجامعة رأيت مواقف لم أرها في حياتي من قبل، ومناظر أحزنت فؤادي، فلم أتخيل في يوم من الأيام رؤية فتاة من وطني تضع وشمًا على كتفها، أو تغرز زمامًا في خصرها، أو أخرى متزوجة من نصرانيًا، أو أرى شابًا لم يبقى له من وطنيته سوا لهجته فقد أصبح (شابًا غربيًا بهُوية سعودية).
حقيقه كان الطلبة في الجامعة يعجبون لأمري ويتساءلون؛
“لماذا لم أخلع حجابي يومًا؟
لماذا لم أتأثر بعاداتهم؟
لماذا لم أزر مقاهيهم الليلية أو أتخذ صديقًا منهم؟”
لا يعلمون أني مسلمة تجري عقيدة ديني في دمي، وأنني ابنة أطهر بقاع الأرض بلاد الحرمين الشريفين، وأنني لا أنزع حجابي مهما حدث، ولن أعكس صورة سيئة عن وطني.
لقد جعلتهم يعلمون من هي المواطنة السعودية وكيف تكون الوطنية الحقة! فحبي لوطني ليس مجرد شعارات أرفعها، أو أهازيج أردّدها، أو أغاني أتراقص عليها، كلا! إن وطني و راية التوحيد التي ترفرف على علمه الأخضر أمانة تستوجب حفظها ونقل صورة صحيحة عنها.
لقد أخذت عهدًا على نفسي بأن أخدم وطني وأنا بعيدة عنه، وألّا أشوّه صورته، وأن أرفع اسمه عاليًا في كل مكان وكل محفل.
فولائي لوطني ليس داخله فحسب! ولكن خارج حدوده أيضًا، لقد حرصت على نشر ثقافته من خلال تعاملي مع الآخرين، ومن خلال المناسبات الوطنية التي تقام في وطني، والتي كانت تحتفي بالوطنيات مثلي.
ولا أخفيكم خلال فترة إقامتي هناك، ظلّ الحنين لأسرتي ولوطني يلازمني، فلم أشعر بالأمان النفسي وكنت أنتظر بفارغ الصبر نهاية بعثتي الدراسية.
وعندما أنهيتها بنجاح و عُدت إلى وطني الحبيب، أول ماقمت به سجدة شكرٍ لله ثم قبّلت ثرى هذا الوطن الغالي بقلب شغوف، ودموع منهمرة تذوّقت لذة النجاح والعودة معًا.
لقد أحسست بقيمة وطني، واستشعرت الأمان الكامل وأيقنت أنه لا يوجد وطن يوازي وطني، عندها أخذت أردد بأعلى صوتي
“دام عزك يا وطن … دام عزك ياوطن … إني أحبك فأنت في قلبي للأبد”.
للكاتبة: سهام القبي
تدقيق:غدي العصيلي

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914 فكرة عن “حكاية مغتربة”

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  2. Critically, the LCBO asserted that all Cannabis sold throughout the province for recreational use would be traded via a newly formed entity called the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation (OCRC). This was via the trading name of The Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) on the front end. Shopify’s offering follows the U.S. federal legislation enactment of the Farm Bill passed in December 2018, which removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, allowing companies to sell hemp as long as it contains less than0.3% THC. Unlike Canada, which federally legalized both THC and CBD, and regulates them in the same way, cannabis products with THC are still federally illegal in the U.S. As an attorney appointed by the Governor of Illinois as the first Director of the Illinois Medical Cannabis Pilot Program, Joseph guided the most-highly regulated cannabis program in the United States from its infancy. Joseph successfully implemented the program within six months of assuming the role of Director, authorizing Illinois’ first legal sales of cannabis. During Joseph’s tenure, the program grew exponentially; Illinois’ patient population expanded by 300% and retail sales recorded constant increases, surpassing $3 million per month. https://notfooledbygovernment.com/community/profile/jonathongrant23/ Use of this agent does bring up the question of appropriateness of use in a population with high rates of substance abuse. Is it appropriate to use a controlled substance to treat symptoms of substance use disorders or use it to assist in management of other conditions with which substance use disorders could be present? Because there is no apparent modulation of the mesolimbic dopamine pathway in the discussed mechanism of action, the reward for use may simply be relief of symptoms. Thus, it is possible psilocybin may have a lower addiction potential than many other drugs of abuse although this has not been tested in studies. Clinic-only use would also decrease the potential for diversion and misuse. The territory of the Liberty Cap is vast. They can be found across the north, south, east AND west of Europe, as well as the United States, Chile, New Zealand, Canada, India and Pakistan. They are thought to be the most widespread psilocybin shroom. 

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  9. The Mazatec, along with other pre-Columbian Mesoamerican peoples, bathed magic mushrooms in smoke from copal incense, then ate two at a time to represent the duality and power of the unified sexes. Together, participants shared the darkness and silence of a hut while listening to the voice of the shaman. (nationalgeographic.com) A magic bullet is a highly specific drug or compound which kills a microbial pathogen without harming the host organism. The term (in German, Zauberkugel) was first used by Nobel laureate Paul Ehrlich in 1900. Ehrlich discovered developed the first magic bullet, Salvarsan or Arsphenamine, an organoarsenic compound that is effective in the treatment of syphilis. A couple of months ago, Truffle Report discussed culinary delivery methods for magic mushrooms with chef Sammy. As it turns out, there are lots of ways to get creative in this venture but one thing we didn’t talk about was psilocybin-infused liquid honey, sometimes called shroom honey, or more properly, blue honey. There are at least a couple of ways to obtain a psychedelic sweetener, but today we’ll be discussing the blue method. https://ruskillfish.ru/forum/profile/oinmaria632575/ We believe that our customers should never have to choose between their health and their senses so we proudly offer bleach-free tea bags so that they can taste the purity of natural teas without the cost of harmful chemicals or additives. I was reading some old posts about , ‘log_autolink_impression’);Negril Mushroom cafes and the use is similar to Rastas using Ganja in religion, was just wondering… Magic mushrooms can be eaten, mixed with food, or brewed like tea for drinking. They can also be mixed with cannabis or tobacco and smoked. Liquid psilocybin is also available, which is the naturally occurring psychedelic drug found in liberty caps. The liquid is clear brown and comes in a small vial. Everything you need to know about mushroom tea. Intersection Between Animal Exploitation and Other Social Justice Issues

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  14. Another reason to choose Apollo is that we provide industry-leading research with our Research Division. As a result, Apollo has become one of the thought leaders of the medical cannabis industry. Our chronic pain observational study is currently in peer review, showing extremely promising results. Tissues from carefully selected cannabis plants are regenerated into plantlets using micropropagation technology. This ensures clean and consistent inputs for commercial production. With decades of experience in the medical and cannabis fields, our investors bring unparalleled compliance and production expertise to our 160-acre land site and production facilities. To access medical cannabis, patients must obtain a prescription from a health care practitioner. At CannaWay Clinic, you will have a comprehensive consultation where a medical cannabis prescription will be granted if deemed appropriate for your ailments or symptoms. Then, a licensed cannabis producer will fill your prescription for products such as CBD or THC oils, cannabis topicals or cannabis flower. https://mapleleafhomebrewers.net/community/profile/arronrickman934/ Big, shiny grow facilities cost C$20m or C$30m to build and grew loads of cannabis – but there was nowhere to sell itHow best to create a legal cannabis industry is a question with a particular urgency in the UK today as we build a market for medicinal use – albeit agonisingly slowly. I strongly believe that cannabis will be legalised for adult use in the UK within five years. And it all goes back to that Gatineau greenhouse I visited in 2017. Under the Cannabis Act, a household is permitted to have four (4) cannabis plants. The act also indicates that the space where cannabis is grown indoors must not be accessible to (1) any person who has not been directly or indirectly invited to be in the home (e.g. someone who is trespassing) and (2) any person under the age of 19. Starting in mid-December 2019, businesses legally authorized to sell marijuana may begin peddling marijuana-infused products:

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    Используйте данную форму для того, чтобы оставить отзыв о товаре или задать вопрос. Средство также прекрасно защищает ресницы от нежелательного эффекта, который может вызвать регулярное использование туши для ресниц. Сыворотка гипоаллергенна, не вызывает раздражения, поскольку не содержит минерального масла и парабенов. Подходит для ресниц и бровей. Гели, сыворотки, тушь… Пару лет назад на бьюти-рынке случился настоящий бум средств, стимулирующих рост ресниц. Бренды представляли их как более безопасную альтернативу наращиванию ресниц. Выберите страну Красивые и пышные ресницы – это мечта многих женщин. Для эффекта накладных ресниц вы должны регулярно делать естественные процедуры, которые стимулируют волосы и способствуют их росту.

  36. Средство для роста ресниц в аптеках можно купить без рецепта. Однако нужно посоветоваться с врачом, ведь это, все же, медицинский препарат. Согласно последним исследованиям установлено, что ресницы по размеру должны составлять 1/3 часть широко открытого глаза. Именно такая длина позволяет охранять орган зрения от механических воздействий и выполнять функцию отражения воздушного потока, который может травмировать слизистую глаза. Тадалафил 20 мг для улучшения качества сексуальной жизни | АМТ | АПТЕКИ | ПОИСК | ЗАМЕНА | ЗАКАЗ | ДОСТАВКА | ОТЗЫВЫ | Каждая ресничка состоит из 4 частей: луковицы, сердцевины, коркового слоя и кутикулы. За рост ресниц отвечает луковица, являющаяся своеобразным корнем. Она поставляет питательные вещества и стимулирует ресничку. Сердцевина вырабатывает и распределяет белок вместе с кератином. Кутикула выполняет защитную функцию, а корковый слой содержит в себе мёртвые клетки.
    В интернет-магазине Золотое Яблоко можно найти подводки любых видов и цветов, с разными наконечниками, глянцевые или матовые, любой стойкости. Для того, чтобы приобрести желаемый товар, нужно добавить его в корзину и оформить заказ онлайн. При помощи гелевой подводки можно создавать множество оригинальных образов: от вариантов типа «кошачий глаз» до растушевки в стиле «smoky eyes». Продукты довольно экономны в использовании, поэтому популярны у профессиональных визажистов. Вся размещенная информация носит исключительно справочно-информационный характер и не является рекламой, публичной офертой или призывом к действию. — Жидкая подводка. Дает более глубокий и интенсивный пигмент, чаще всего наносится довольно толстой линией. Данная подводка характеризуется как жидкая черная водостойкая подводка с кисточкой. При помощи гелевой подводки можно создавать множество оригинальных образов: от вариантов типа «кошачий глаз» до растушевки в стиле «smoky eyes». Продукты довольно экономны в использовании, поэтому популярны у профессиональных визажистов.

  37. The move by Australia’s 16th largest listed company, with a market capitalisation of $29 billion, comes as casino closures hit pokie manufactures like Aristocrat, with fewer sold from Las Vegas to the United Kingdom, Playtech paves the way for Aristocrat to enter the $US70 billion ($94.4 billion) online “real money gaming” (RMG) industry, which includes real money sports betting and gambling at digital casinos. Aristocrat slots are some of the most popular games in the casino world. The game developer has been around for decades, having created dozens of top games like Big Red, Sun & Moon, and Miss Kitty. While Aristocrat only develops slots as games of luck, there are some specific strategies that you can use to ensure a positive experience. They might not guarantee a win, but they will help you walk away without feeling like you’ve lost.
    UNLV gaming historian David Schwartz said casino player loyalty programs have needed to evolve beyond merely tracking play. At the outset, the “relatively novel systems” helped differentiate one casino from another. Every single slot spin tracked enhances the Slot Tracker tool and provides the basis for calculating all other stats at a personal and aggregate level. What Is Gaming and Casino CRM Software?What are the Common Features of Gaming and Casino CRM Software?How to Evaluate Gaming and Casino CRM Software? The first step to encouraging players to play responsibly is giving them the tools to do so. Slot Tracker consolidates players’ activity in an easy to use dashboard that gives them a clear view of their activity – their bets placed, the amount won and their overall profit and loss. In this way, players can keep in control of their spending and see what’s going out and back into their gambling budget. They can also make better informed decisions about which game to spend their money on next, based on their propensity for low or high volatility games and other markers of their profile as an online slots player.

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  39. To introduce your research paper effectively, include the following elements in your introduction. You will expand on these topics in greater detail in the paper, but in the introduction to your paper, you’ll provide a summary of each one. These types of papers mostly start by the writer going straight to pose a question; in which case it’s usually a research question, which the writer hasn’t taken any sides. These types of papers are generally practiced in ways to explore and evaluate issues. The goal of the writers is not usually to convince their readers that their ideas are the true ones and that the others are quite wrong but rather just to analyze and interpret the sources, be it primary or secondary. In this type of writing, the thesis statement in normally open as compared to the other kind of research paper.
    Students evaluate the appropriateness of an item to the audience. For instance, outstanding critique papers show the weaknesses and strengths of the article or the object under evaluation. Besides, they contain ways to improve the source and fit the readers’ needs discussed in critique essays. Critical reviews, both short (one page) and long (four pages), usually have a similar structure. Check your assignment instructions for formatting and structural specifications. Headings are usually optional for longer reviews and can be helpful for the reader. This is not to say that older citations should not be accommodated. Older citations can and should be used sparsely, and may be particularly useful in order to provide the historical background to the contemporary research. The researcher needs to present a balanced critical analysis of the literature that captures different angles or perspectives of the subject matter he or she is investigating. For example, the empirical literature should be broad enough to discuss contrasting findings related to the research topic that support the hypothesis and those that do not.

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  41. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is another fantastic experience, though slightly chaotic. This game is best enjoyed with other players as the AI is questionable at best. The game has changed slightly from other Marvel Ultimate Alliance games so even the most veteran of fans of the series may find this game to be quite foreign. Nintendo’s pink puffball tends to fly under the radar of bigger franchises like Mario and Zelda, but Kirby games have been dependably delivering co-op platforming for a long time. Star Allies is all about making friends, throwing “hearts” around, and recruiting classic Kirby bad guys to help you out. Up to four players can go at it in local cooperative multiplayer. Secondary players can combine their friend abilities with Kirby’s gobble-em-up powers for combination super attacks.
    Online multiplayer rally car game Just head over to Steam and grab the game at no cost. That said, not all that glitters is gold, and there is a lot of downloadable content (DLC) you need to buy since the basic game features a limited number of cars and tracks. Of course, this also means the game is only available for PC users. Motorbike racing games go way back to the earliest gaming machines, with retro games like Road Rash. Moto Road Rash 3D pays tribute to the original NES classic and lets you speed through traffic in a variety of game modes. 2007 – 2023 FreeGamePick™ All Rights Reserved For those of you looking to scratch that racing itch but want the intensity of online competitive multiplayer then look no further than the hit Steam racing game, CarX Drift Racing Online. As you might imagine, this realistic racing sim is all about the thrill of the drift in tangent with the competition. Taking place across a host of real-world cities and locations, CarX Drift Racing Online has something for everyone.

  42. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I tested approximately 1 foundation a day for 2 weeks, trying to wear each foundation twice with different application methods. I kept note of the time I applied it, what I applied it with, how it wore, and any issues I had with application and wear. I kept notes on my computer with specific dates and times. I tried to be as fair as possible with each foundation, in terms of the amount I applied, how I applied it, and how long I wore it.  The brand’s newest foundation has been getting rave reviews for its high SPF and smooth and creamy application. I would say it’s more of a medium-coverage foundation and an affordable dupe for It Cosmetics CC Cream. If you prefer a light foundation that feels great on the skin, this skin tint is for you. Mellinger loves how it melts into the skin and notes that it doubles as a great primer if you want a bit more coverage. However, as with any skin tint, it’s hard to build up to medium coverage, so this works best for a light shine.
    A post shared by NTWRK (@ntwrk) Shop the Maybelline New York Fit Me! Matte + Poreless Foundation now for only $5.94 on walmart.com and most drugstores.  If you are someone with dry skin, you need to moisturize and hydrate your skin properly before going in with this foundation. However, even during the winter, when my skin was rather dry and dull, this was my go-to foundation, and it did not highlight my dry patches. I’m about to buy a huge glossier order because my boyfriend got me a $100 online gift card for Valentine’s Day, so I thought it would be great to stock up!!! However, I’m really hesitant about buying the body hero oil mist because it seems a little pricey to me for what you’re getting. I’m obsessed with the body hero scent, but I wasn’t sure if it smelt like the others? Or if it actually works? Any opinions?

  43. Если по какой-то причине вы не можете позвонить нам, мы с удовольствием сами перезвоним вам. Для этого оставьте свои данные в форме ниже Первые 24 часа следует избегать парового воздействия на брови (солярии, бани, сауны), не допускать механического нарушения укладки (сон лицом в подушку). Первые 48 часов нужно избегать воздействия на брови агрессивных косметических средств и процедур (скрабы, пилинги, спиртосодержащие лосьоны, химическая чистка лица, лазерные процедуры). 3-я группа — тонкий, слабый, тусклый от природы, много пушковых волос – долговременная укладка бровей не рекомендуется; Наведите камеру, чтобы скачать приложение SHINE DIADEM 5 – скидка -40% Внимание! Продукт удобен и прост в использовании, однако составы SEXY BROW PERM разработаны для профессионального применения. Процедуру следует выполнять строго по инструкции. По возможности перед применением набора проконсультируйтесь со своим brow-мастером.
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    Poker games can be played with any number of people. Heads up poker is played with only two people, whereas a tournament may have anywhere from 10 to 100 players. A home game usually includes 5 to 10 players. Generally, 300 chips are sufficient for 6 to 8 players, whereas 500 chips are enough for up to 12. The dealer will start by giving each player their starting chip stack, based on the values you assigned earlier. For example, if you’re playing with $5 red chips and everyone gets 100 chips to start, each player would get 20 red chips. 2) Upload Your Artwork, Logo, Photo Or Design Whether used in play or part of a collection, poker chips should be stored well. A good quality case will keep them for generations to enjoy! Exact Reorder : $30.00 (g) per side (If art is different, two set up charges apply)

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  49. Most over under bets start at 7.5, but MLB totals, like those in football and basketball, can vary depending on many factors. We mentioned the starting pitchers in each game, but ballpark factors, potential weather — since it’s harder to hit on cold nights and easier to on hot ones — and obviously the offensive potency of each team can have an impact on the total. There’s a huge analytical component to sports these days, and there has been an explosion in the world of advanced stats as a result. Examples include hitter metrics such as WRC (weighted runs created) and wOBA (weighted on base average), and pitcher tools such as FIP (fielding independent pitching). Once again, these are tools to consider using to help expand your understanding, but standard stats do fine, as well. On the hitter side, OPS (on base plus slugging) is a good one, while WHIP and ERA give you a decent assessment of pitchers. One area where advanced stats can help is when you’re trying to find some edges with player props.
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    Bei den Arcade Videospielautomaten gibt es in erster Linie hohe Standgeräte. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Originale aus den 1970er- bis 1980er-Jahren. Ebenfalls beliebt sind die Tischgeräte, bei denen der Bildschirm mittig montiert ist und zwei Spieler von jeder Seite ein Match bestreiten können. Es werden aber auch moderne Nachbauten und sogar kleine Videospielautomaten für ein Smartphone angeboten. Eine interessante Alternative stellen die Geräte der Rubrik Sammler-Billard-Automaten dar. Folgende Ausstellungen wurden angemeldet: Star Wars (war das geil, der Kontroller, die Sprachausgabe…). Weitere Infos zum Gerät: Retro Arcadegerät mieten. 2003 war der 25. Geburtstag von Space Invaders. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine spezielle Version namens Space Invaders Anniversary Edition auf den Markt gebracht. Das Spielprinzip blieb gleich, jedoch wurden einige Extras ergänzt.

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