‏تفاصيلنا الصغيرة تصنع فارقاً.

السعادة التي تبحث عنها وتظن أنها بعيدة عنك
أو ليست بحياتك مُطلقاً، هي تفاصيل يَوّمِك التي تظُنها تافِهة وبسيطة وليس لها قِيمة .. ولكن حينما تركض ورا هذِه التفاصِيل تبحث عن ميزتها تشعر بها تتلمسها، فعلاً سيسكُنك السرور وستقَدسُها فوراً!
السعادة لا تطرق بابك أو تشقلب روتين يومك
السعادة تفاصيل تستشعرها، نعمٌ تُعظمها
‏تفاصيلك من يصنع فارقاً في أيامك . .
ليس لأنها عظيمة ومُدهشة! بل لأنك تذوقتها عمداً وحُباً كتلذذك بفنجالِ قهوة من صُنع يديك في قمة ضغوطك، أو حتى تأملك لزُرقة السماء في طريقك الطويل، وربما أيضاً سعادتك بعد يومٍ ملئ بالأحداث اللطيفه رغم التعب، أو لحظة صمتٍ هادئة مع روحك تشعرك بأنك طفلٌ بلا همّ!
‏السعادة بين يديك، أمام عينيك، داخل عقلك، فتش دائماًً عنها داخلك، أُنظر حولك،
‏إنها قريبة وبالكاد نراها، عظيمة وبالكاد نقدرها، إنها تفاصيلنا التي سنقول عنها يوماً ما ألا ليت الزمان يُعيدها!
‏فأين أنت منها الآن ؟
لا تتردد في صُنعها أو حتى البحث عنها
أركض دائماً خلف ما تُحب، ما تنتمي إليه روحك ويشعرك بالرِضا.
وأحمد الله كثيراً، يزدك رِضا وسروراً

‏⁧ للكاتبة: رهف آل ناصر.

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220 فكرة عن “‏تفاصيلنا الصغيرة تصنع فارقاً.”

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  6. ·       During pregnancy, elevated hormone levels can trigger an increase in skin pigment cells and can create blotches called “chloasma” or the “mask of pregnancy”. You can avoid this discoloration by using sunscreen daily – regardless of the weather. If you know you will be out in the midday sun, consider adding an SPF 30 sunscreen for better protection. Itchy skin is another common complaint during pregnancy. The skin stretches as the belly grows, which can cause itchiness. Additionally, pregnancy hormones can cause dryness, which can lead to itchiness. Before applying the baking soda paste, splash some lukewarm water on your face to prepare the skin. Then, apply the baking soda by rubbing in small circular motions. Continue to massage the baking soda into your skin for 3 minutes. Finally, rinse your face with lukewarm water until all the baking soda is removed and pat dry with a clean, soft towel. We suggest exfoliating twice per week. https://letibri.com/index.php/community/profile/montelamington8/ According to its label, this night moisturizer contains 97.5% snail mucin extract (yes, snail slime!), which is actually a super-hydrating ingredient known to help promote collagen production. Amazon reviewers concerned about signs of aging swear by this cream, saying their eye bags slowly improved with use. We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent or manage your preferences at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our marketing emails. Please patch test 48 hours prior to use & note skin’s response. Apply once or twice daily after cleansing and or toning. Lightly soak a cotton pad and apply it over the entire face, including the eye area (avoid lash line and eyelids). Do not rinse. For daytime, follow with a broad-spectrum sunscreen rated SPF 30 or greater.

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    In July 2006, the casinos in Atlantic City were forced to cease gambling operations due to a state-wide budget crisis. State regulators, whose presence is required for gaming operations, were prohibited from working. The casino floors were closed for three days. Casinos were also shuttered during Hurricane Gloria in September 1985, Hurricane Irene in August 2011, and Superstorm Sandy in October and November 2012. On March 16, 2020, the casinos were forced to close temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Be swept away in Atlantic City’s most diverse and dynamic nightlife experience. “And may help Atlantic City’s casino operators stay competitive in an increasingly crowded regional and local market,” she explained. Joe Lupo, president of the casino association and of Atlantic City’s Hard Rock casino, said Atlantic City “faces some very dire issues.”

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    Кстати, долговременность эффекта может обернуться и недостатком, в случае, если была неправильно подобрана форма бровей, поэтому этот этап должен быть максимально продуманным. Ваш адрес email не будет опубликован. Обязательные поля помечены * Совершенные брови придают лицу более ухоженный вид. Благодаря моде на пушистые fluffy brows и тренду на максимальную естественность процедура лидирует в списке предложений brow-индустрии. Что такое ламинирование, какого эффекта от него стоит ожидать и на сколько хватает долговременной укладки бровей? Расскажем в деталях. Процедура долговременной укладки бровей может быть проведена для каждой представительницы прекрасного пола, главное, наличие желания получить ухоженную линию надбровных дуг. Загружается… А еще, только с помощью долговременной укладки бровей можно добиться ультрамодного фэшн эффекта уложенных вверх густых бровей.

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  44. In July, the CEO of ChatGPT maker OpenAI launched Worldcoin, a controversial new cryptocurrency that verifies users’ identities via iris scans. Meanwhile, the House Financial Services Committee advanced new cryptocurrency bills that could help clarify the regulatory outlook for digital assets in the U.S. In simple terms, cryptocurrency is a digital token, ownership of which is recorded on a blockchain, a distributed software ledger that no one controls. This is designed to make it more secure, in theory. bitcoin and ethereum are the two most widely known cryptocurrencies, but more than 18,000 tokens are traded under different names (dogecoin is one famous example).  An active decentralized finance (DeFi) user is forced to deal with dozens of protocols these days. Wallets, interfaces, exchanges, bridges, loan protocols — there are hundreds of them, and they are growing daily. Having to live with such an array of technologies is inconvenient even for advanced users. As for the prospects of mass adoption, such a state of affairs is all the more unacceptable.
    In interviews and statements, many of the companies said they were no different from other large power users except for their willingness to shut off quickly to benefit the grid. Several objected to the method The Times and WattTime used to estimate their emissions, which calculated the pollution caused by the additional power generated to satisfy the mines’ demand, showing it to overwhelmingly come from fossil fuels. On paper, Bitcoin mining will last until 2140, when the last bitcoin has been mined. However, due to more halvings, inflation and increasing energy costs, the profitability of mining crypto could decline long before then. However, new cryptocurrencies are being created all the time, and the hierarchy of cryptocurrencies is constantly in motion, so the demand for cryptocurrency mining may change in future.

  45. Untitled Goose Game Select a character, and roll the dice on your turn to advance through the board. Roll dice – Left click on the icon When focusing on the main objectives, Untitled Goose Game is about 3 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 5½ Hours to obtain 100% completion. Untitled Goose Game is a stealth game of causing trouble around a peaceful town as an ill-mannered goose, honking and spreading mayhem wherever you go. Bear versus park ranger, one of the great conflicts of our time Yes, Untitled Goose Game is currently available on GeForce Now. This game supports:Save Data Cloud Developer House House has announced a free local co-op update is coming to Untitled Goose Game on September 23rd, 2020. No new levels will be added; instead, two players can now work together to complete the game’s original objectives. The trailer shows some of the ways players can work together, including handing off items in a bit of a relay race, or using one player to distract a human while the other player steals an objective.
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  46. Cryptocurrency, often called crypto, is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to prevent it from being counterfeit or double-spent. Popular cryptocurrencies include bitcoin, ether, dogecoin and litecoin — all of which were previously accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation. Some critics see crypto as a risky and volatile form of investment due to fluctuating prices and lack of regulation.  Just looking around? Enter NEAR Wiki The IQ token is a DeFi and governance cryptocurrency powering AI-based applications, governed by IQ stakers through BrainDAO and primarily used in the IQ.wiki p… “I’m really happy that the Wikimedia Foundation listened to the community’s wishes on this issue, and I’m really proud of my community for taking a principled stand,” said longtime Wikipedia editor and crypto skeptic Molly White in a message to Mashable. “It can be difficult when there’s money on the line—certainly an issue that I’ve seen everywhere in the crypto space—and it’s refreshing to see both the Foundation and the community do so in this case.”
    The below table shows all exchanges where you can buy HUSKY crypto. For some exchanges there is depth percent it shows how much liquidity is available, live bids 2% up or down from the current price. The list is sorted by 24-hour volume and CL trust rating. Different pairs are listed separately with the corresponding volume. 17:57 24 7 Customer Support You can buy Stratis with a credit card on Binance and other exchanges like KuCoin, gate.io and CoinEx. Using a credit card is a fast and convenient payment method for purchasing cryptocurrencies, but typically comes with higher fees than other ways of buying cryptocurrency with fiat. Whether it is your first time using cryptocurrency or you’re a crypto-veteran who is new to the Avalanche network, these resources will help educate you about Husky, Avalanche, and many other related topics.

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    This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. © 2023 Casino-Bonus.Club Players are offered slots more than any other casino games. The video poker, table and specialty games offered are of reasonable variety but cannot compete with the slots in terms of number. New post, Nina started a new topic: Winners for December 18th! Gaming at the Gossip Slots Casino would offer you a support team that can be contacted via a live chat, email or telephone. You hardly find a platform that would be able to compete with the extraordinary features provided by the Gossip Slots Casino to US players. Although the casino might have to improve in the banking options provided if they want to provide gaming service to a wider network.

  48. Q: What does the cryptocurrency Sologenic, or SOLO, represent? Any crypto worth its salt these days needs more than one reason for its existence. And SOLO crypto comes with its fair share. On top of being the native token of the Sologenic DEX, it can be staked. The Sologenic price prediction on CoinCodex is calculated using the historical Sologenic price dataset, accounting for past volatility and market movements. In addition, the algorithm uses the cyclical nature of Bitcoin halvings, which introduce extra supply-side pressure on BTC every 4 years. This has historically played a pivotal role in cryptocurrency markets and is a major component of creating a realistic Sologenic prediction. Sologenic is introducing a sophisticated ecosystem that facilitates users with investing, trading, and on-demand tokenization of assets such as stocks, ETFs, and fiat on top of the XRP Ledger. A tokenized stablecoin of TSLA stock or USD fiat is presented as TSLAƨ or USDƨ, respectively. These stablecoins are tradable and redeemable against XRP and SOLO on both CoinField exchange & XRPL DEX.
    Another option is to fully capitalize on the crypto bear market. For instance, some investors will ‘double down’ when prices are low, as they are right now. This enables investors to buy the best cryptos at a huge discount.  Coinbase Wallet: NFTs & Crypto The combination of these factors is positive for the outlook for cryptocurrencies next year and could well lead to a new bull run in the crypto market. However, there are also factors that could negatively impact the crypto market, especially the increasing regulatory pressure on cryptocurrencies. is another way of achieving consensus about the accuracy of the historical record of transactions on a blockchain. It eschews mining in favor of a process known as staking, in which people put some of their own cryptocurrency holdings at stake to vouch for the accuracy of their work in validating new transactions. Some of the cryptocurrencies that use proof of stake include Cardano, Solana and Ethereum (which is in the process of converting from proof of work).

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