قصص قصيرة جدًا – عزيزة الدوسري

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طرحتُ يمينهُ ثلاث مرات وانتصرت وانتهت اللعبة وولّى كلانا في سبيله. في الطريق المعاكس تمامًا، بعد كل هذا الفاصل الزمني الباهت، لم ينقذني من الموت إلا يمينه تلك التي طرحتها زهوًا ذات يوم.

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تتسلق درجات السُلّم وفي يدها كوب ماء، يدها ترتجف والماء لم ينسكب، الآن هي تفكر برعب، هذه المرة إلى أين سيوجه ضرباته، وكان هناك في أعلى حجرة في المنزل حلبة مصارعة بدون جمهور، وبعد ثلاث ساعات، في الخارج يوجد قطة صغيرة منزوية تحت شجرة السدر تتأمل سيارة الإسعاف!

( الشيخ والعذراء )

تمتلئ زوايا الأسطح برؤؤس القناصة، ومن فرط السكون في الأشياء، حتى الأشجار لاتكاد تحرك أغصانها، مروحيات تحلق وخنادق حبلى بالقنابل واستنجاد عذراء في غرفة مهجورة، وهنا بجانبي بالضبط شيخ سجدَ منذ ساعة ولم يفق!

( غطاء! )
الأغطية في الحُجرة لم تعد كافية نصفها استخدمناها لترقيع ثقوب البيت، والنصف الآخر أكفان، وعندما بقي واحد يسترني؛ أهديته الشهيد المحلق تحت عمود الإنارة في ناصية الشارع.

بقلم: عزيزة الدوسري.

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58 فكرة عن “قصص قصيرة جدًا – عزيزة الدوسري”

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  8. Well, “your” person is certainly famous for some important action – a revolution, a war, a political reform, or social activism, and so forth. Describe the facts related to their participation in the given event. Refer to certain sources, even if the person is very famous. Do not refer to textbooks or Wikipedia, but rather to academic books (even anthologies or readers). The advice above is relevant to coursework essays. It’s different in exams, where time is limited. But even here, you should take time out to do some thinking. Examiners look for quality rather than quantity, and brevity makes relevance doubly important. If you get into the habit of thinking about the key issues in your course, rather than just absorbing whatever you are told or read, you will probably find you’ve already considered whatever issues examiners pinpoint in exams. https://wiki-byte.win/index.php?title=Thesis_writing_services Ready to take the next step toward a college education? An essay is used to assess the strength of your critical thinking and your ability to put that thinking into an academic written form. This resource covers some key considerations when writing an essay at university. If students are having trouble brainstorming potential topics, they can ask friends or family members for help, says Stephanie Klein Wassink, founder of Winning Applications and AdmissionsCheckup, Connecticut-based college admissions advising companies. Wassink says students can ask peers or family members questions such as, “What do you think differentiates me?” Or, “What are my quirks?” Even though you may be writing a formal academic essay, you are still writing for an audience, and you’d want to make sure your piece is memorable and able to grab your instructor’s attention.

  9. “I’m a college student and it feels like millions of complicated assignments are falling to me – I can’t keep up with them, and I just can’t focus on the things I have to do. Help me!” We don’t need any extra sources as our writers are all physics and chemistry experts from the prestigious universities around the world. However, if your assignment has to cite any books or articles, we will include all necessary citations and references into your chemistry homework paper. The secret is that our company has access to the variety of digital libraries. That is why our help is so highly valued by many students. We will help to use the required texts, audio or video content properly. With the help of online chemistry homework from TutorBin, students understand how the concepts work for solving problems. This organization dedicates its time, and tutors make full efforts to ensure that students gather knowledge and retain what they have learned in class. This step increases their performance and aids them in continuing their learning at their own pace. Our chemistry homework help online is not just a service; it’s more than a study help that believes in offering quality education beyond the boundaries of countries, race, language, and financial status. This academic help is the pathway for creating your success story. http://pamiec-nadzieja.org.pl/community/profile/euniceoliva4863/ Which one would you choose? – Right, the second one. This example shows us an example of a “bad” and a “good” hook. A good hook will match the essay type, will be appropriate to the writer’s style, and will lead readers to the main topic gently. While a bad hook will result in readers having lower expectations for the essay that the essay itself might not necessarily match. That being said, there are a few ways you could use a quotation and make it work, but you have to be very careful. If you insist on using a quotation to open your essay, use a quotation from one of your sources or something spoken by an expert in the field. However, if you do this, make sure the quotation is something interesting and new, like a new discovery in the field. You could also try to use a quotation from another author’s thesis. With every quote, make sure you always give credit to the original author.

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