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وعد صالح الجباب، بكالوريوس كيمياء عامة، متخرجة من جامعة الجوف في القريات مع مرتبة الشرف. بعد تخرجي من تخصص الكيمياء وجدت أن التعليم لايمثلني، فبعد سنتين من التخرج أحببت فكرة إمتلاك كاميرا للإستخدام الشخصي، وتعلمت كيفية إستخدامها، وكيف يكون التصوير الإحترافي، وقواعد تكوين الصورة، وذلك من الكتب ومقاطع اليوتيوب، إستمر مجهود التدريب الشخصي مدة 6 أشهر، تعلمت فيها أساسيات التصوير، وكيفية إستخدام أدوات التصوير الإحترافي، و كذلك برنامج الفوتوشوب .
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ماذا يعني لك التصوير ؟
التصوير بالنسبة لي إبراز الجمال المحيط حولي؛ لتستمتع به عيون المشاهدين.
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كانت بدايتها موهبة فطرية، وتبلورت نتيجة المعلومات و الخبرات. بالطبع أشجع الهواة، كل شخص يستطيع الوصول لمرحلة محترفة دون الحاجة لشهادة حضور دورات (انا ما امتلك شهادات في التصوير و ماحضرت دورة خاصة في التصوير) لكني وصلت .
هل من الممكن أن نرى وعد الجباب بيوم من الايام مدربة وتقدم دورات عن التصوير من خلال الخبرة التي تمتلكها وعد في هذا المجال؟
نعم لما لا ، بالفعل صممت منهج تعليمي مبتدئ خاص لهذه المرحلة.
أعمالك المستقبلية بإذن الله ، هل سيكون للتصوير دور فيها؟
أعتقد أن طموحي تخطى التصوير، و لكن تبقى موهبة التصوير هي التي أمتن لإمتلاكها والعمل بها و تقديم خدمتي فيها لتوثيق ذكريات عملائي السعيدة.
لكل بداية لابد من وجود عوائق، ماهي العوائق التي واجهت وعد ببداياتها ؟
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ما الدافع الأساسي لتطوير موهبة التصوير التي تمتلكها وعد لليوم ؟
الدافع هو شغفي للوصول لمرحلة من الإحتراف و الإتقان، وسيبقى هذا شغفي.
هل توجد مواهب أخرى غير التصوير تمتلكينها ؟
نعم أحب القراءة والرسم أيضًا . مقولة تؤمن بها وعد الجباب اليوم ؟ مقولات كثيرة هي التي أؤمن فيها حقيقةً، منها حديث “إنما الأعمال بالنيات و إنما لكل امرئ مانوى” أثق أن صفاء نيتي و رضا والداي سبب أساسي بتوفيقي.
هل من الممكن مشاركتنا حساباتك الشخصية لمن أراد متابعة وعد الجباب أو معرفة أعمالها القادمة من خلاله ؟
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Here comes Hacksaw Gaming with yet another new slot. Where they have previously released games such as The Respinners, Cash Compass, Cubes, My Lucky Number and Stick’Em. They usually create games with a lot of colors and they show this again in Chaos Crew, as it consists of graffiti paintings. The free spins mode in this slot really shows what skill they have in game development. More about this free spin mode a little further down. Enter the world of Cranky and Sketchy for high-volatility reel mayhem on the slot from Hacksaw Gaming powered by Relax Gaming. Chaos Crew brings the pranks of a cranky cat and a sketchy skull to a 5×5 grid with wild substitutions, random mystery multiplier and a bonus game with respins to collect bet multipliers that can lead wins of up to 10,000 times your bet.
When you are finished with pre-writing activities, created a good research paper topic, you are more than ready to make an effective research paper outline. An outline is a basement of your research paper from which you build up the whole paper. Each outline consists of three main parts the Introduction, the Body, and the Conclusion. For a successful and high-quality research paper, however, the more detailed outline you use the better. The introduction of an APA-style paper is the most difficult to write. A good introduction will summarize, integrate, and critically evaluate the empirical knowledge in the relevant area(s) in a way that sets the stage for your study and why you conducted it. The introduction starts out broad (but not too broad!) and gets more focused toward the end. Here are some guidelines for constructing a good introduction:
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рџЋЃOVERVIEW: Buffalo Gold slot machine free play game offers a stampede of action, massive payouts, and various amazing features. Buffalo Gold slots have 5 reels, four rows, and 20 paylines. It was developed by Aristocrat, as it offers a 96% RTP and comes with medium volatility. Its theme features animals, the wild west, and Native American lifestyles. Play Buffalo gold slot machine online for free with various bonus features (multipliers, free spins, and wilds). It has a minimum bet line of $0.01 and a maximum bet line of $5. рџЌHOW TO PLAY: An additional row of symbols and wilds can bring in some top prizes, and you always get to enjoy a free spin round, especially when wins can be multiplied. This game is part of the Buffalo Games family, including Buffalo Gold Buffalo Grand slot machine free play. The original Aristocrat Buffalo slot machine review is not available for real-money play but is available in demo mode at a few select sites.
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Online poker freerolls are a popular way for poker players to play poker online without risking any of their own money. These tournaments offer a variety of benefits to players of all skill levels and can be a great way to improve your game and win real money prizes. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of online poker freerolls and how you can take advantage of these tournaments to improve your game. There are so many awful poker freerolls out there that aren’t worth your time. There are also so many poker sites out there that it’s almost impossible to manually scan all of their freeroll offerings. While Nevada is famous for its land-based casinos, the state has also legalized online gambling for its residents. However, currently, online poker is the only form of online gambling allowed in Nevada.
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The PokerStars Summer Festival is a two-month celebration, that gets underway on June 1 and runs all the way until July 31. The flop was 5-4-6, and both poker players went all-in: Ben had 10-6, and Lex had pocket aces. Lex was upset with the fact that he had knocked Ben out of the game and said that it had been the worst feeling that he had ever experienced after winning a hand. Check out the biggest results from PokerStars, PartyPoker, and 888poker’s Sunday tournaments. You must be logged in to post a comment. Prize Pool В этой серии 38 событий. PokerStars pro Lex Veldhuis is a well known streamer. His Twitch feed attracted record numbers during his deep run with over 54,000 live viewers at its peak. Wow, that’s Yankee Stadium size! Veldhuis just missed the final table when he bowed out in 15th place.
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Some players claim that you are more likely to hit a progressive jackpot during the night or on Friday Saturday Sunday because more people are playing at these times and the jackpots grow faster. However, the logic behind this belief is flawed. The fact is that the chances of hitting a progressive jackpot increase along with its prize pool size, regardless of the number of players who are contributing to it. This is because the prize money for a progressive jackpot is fed from every spin that is made on a particular slot machine. What is the best time of day night for slot payouts? Ante Up Poker Media LLC, is dedicated to everyday poker players and their poker rooms. The business was founded in 2008, and has managed to combine the poker and media worlds since then in order to inform, entertain and inspire poker players around the world through a variety of products.
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BC.Game is a very popular crypto casino with over 7,000 games and sports betting. They’ve recently rolled out their own trading feature. Unfortunately, it allows players to bet UP DOWN for the upcoming 15 seconds only. And the payouts are low, too. As an online bitcoin casino, we pride ourselves in offering some of the best promotions and tournaments for our players to engage with on a daily, weekly and sometimes even a monthly basis. While you can take your pick from a variety of promotions available on our casino, our VIPs also enjoy specially curated promotions just for them to participate in. As crypto casino games start to gain popularity, the gambling community is keen to learn about the best bitcoin casinos online. Throughout the remainder of the article, we are going to discuss which bitcoin online casinos are the best in 2024.
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Increase your profits with leverage All data for the values is being sourced from BuyUcoin, Coinbase, a trusted and popular platform to trade cryptocurrency. This is because crypto prices can vary slightly across providers, so using a single source for this information is very important. Unfortunately, India does not allow taxpayers to deduct capital losses from cryptocurrency. While you will not pay taxes when you sell crypto at a loss, it cannot be used to offset gains from cryptocurrency or other income sources. It is pertinent to note that there is no central body that regulates the use of cryptocurrencies as a form of payment in India. Also, there are no established guidelines or rules governing the resolution of disagreements when using cryptocurrencies. Hence, cryptocurrency trading is done at the investor’s own risk.
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Gambling has been around for thousands of years with evidence of people playing early dice and other games all the way back in ancient China and India. Human beings like to gamble and take risks. We also like to win. The first casino was started in Venice back in 1638. In the 1820’s casinos operated on the riverboats down the Mississippi, unregulated, they were a magnet for card cheats. In 1906 The Golden Gate Casino opened in Las Vegas and is the oldest and smallest hotel casino on Fremont Street. The mobile version of Casino provides players with exciting games featuring huge jackpots. The combination of classic and modern casino games divided into several categories and the easy to navigate controls make the app an incredibly popular and preferred one. You can enjoy slots, scratch cards, table games, etc. The app is compatible with Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows.
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