مرحباً بكم في ذكرياتي، ولكن قبل أن أبدأ بسرد ذكرياتي لكم، هل تعلمون من أنا؟، أوه أعتذر منكم لقد نسيت أن أعرفكم بنفسي، فأنا الإدارة الالكترونية الآن، والإدارة التقليدية قديماً، أتودون معرفة كيف أصبحتُ على هذه الحال؟ وكيف تم تغيير اسمي وشكلي وأسلوبي؟
حسناً، سأبدأ بحديثي عن ذلك الماضي الذي تم تغييري فيه من شخص لآخر يحمل ملامح نفسه القديمة، لقد كنت أعتمد على أفكار شخص واحد، ولا رأي هناك غير رأيه ولا أهتم إلا بالطريقة المعتادة للتجارة وكسب الأموال في كل مرة، ولكن في ليلة ما استيقظت مدهوشةً من نفسي؛ لقد رأيت نفسي في الحلم شخصاً آخر بفكر آخر، كان العمل يومها يسير على نفس الطريقة المعتادة ولكن أمر الحلم كان يشغلني طوال النهار، لذلك بدأت أفكر في أحتمالية أن أكون ذلك الشخص الذي رأيته، فوجدت أني أستطيع وبقوة، حاربت روتيني واعتيادي ففوجئت بنفسي شخصاً آخر، شخص يعتمد على كل فرد يعمل وكل فرد مبدع؛ فالجميع يُشكل فرقاً والواحد يبني الجميع.

الكاتبة: بيان الدبيسي
تدقيق لغوي ومراجعة: حليمة الشمري.

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  9. An accomplished executive and entrepreneur with a proven track record, Peter is a strategic thinker who reacts tactically in changing environments. A background in management consulting, manufacturing and communications is ideally suited for his role in this emerging industry. His team of hand-picked professionals are building Montreal’s premiere craft cannabis company. Katie took a year away from cannabis to complete her BSc in Environmental Science at Royal Roads University and returned shortly after, finding herself almost immediately back in the post-legalization saddle. Currently, she is the QAP at 314 Pure Cannabis and has assisted in every corner of this facility, ensuring that the company produces amazing, GPP compliant flower; and, she is helping to develop new departments and new products for their lineup. Katie is lucky to have found a career which allows her to channel her love for nature, science and cannabis into her work, and to continually learn and grow in a dynamic, ever-changing industry. https://roguelegends.de/community/profile/latosha35290472/ Using state-of-the-art technology and science, supported by an industry that respects and embraces strong regulation and sensible policies, we earn and build trust by helping to keep our communities safe and ensuring that Canadians enjoy the economic benefits of a new legal cannabis economy. We believe in a sustainable and innovative industry that continues to deliver consistent and reliable medical and recreational products for adult Canadians. Canopy's market share in Canada fell to just 7% in the January-March quarter from more than 11% a year ago, according to a recent note from Cantor Fitzgerald that cited data from analytics firm Hifyre. Gabriel MW, Wengert GM, Higley JM, Krogan S, Sargent W, Clifford DL. Silent forests. Rodenticides on illegal marijuana crops harm wildlife. Wildl Prof. 2013;7(1):46–50.

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  14. Politaire is the app for all poker lovers looking for a way to relax with friends playing a mindless poker game. It is an app that provides the best poker and solitaire games, making it the place to be if you love that combination. The bad news, in my opinion, is that the app was developed by Playtika, the same people that created the Play WSOP app. The games themselves are great, don’t get me wrong, but navigation is anything but standard. There’s no traditional lobby. You cannot choose a table to play on. Instead, you choose a level of play (Newbie Court, Blind Spot, etc.), and are thrown onto a table of the app’s choosing. This makes it harder to play directly with friends, even though the app’s description repeatedly promotes gameplay against friends. Each friend will need to click the same table level at the same time and hope they get thrown into the same game.
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