انتظرتُ غروبكِ أيّتها الشمس لأرى ذلك الإشعاع الهزيل الذي يودع البحر، وتلك القوارب تودع يوماً مضى من حياتي”، انتظرتُ ذلك المنظر لأبقى لحظات مع نفسي اتأمل الشفق الأحمر على البحر و كوب من القهوة، تحب وضع قرارت لنفسها بعيد عن قيود المجتمع لها، وهي في السنه الأولى من الجامعة، لا تحب الإقتراب من الأشخاص الغير مناسبين لمزاجها، تمتلك من الأصدقاء ما يعد على الاصابع، مزاجها متقلب بإستمرار وجهها عابس، أحياناً تنظر بنظرات حادة، شخصية ذات كبرياء لا يقترب احد منها خشية من التكلم معها، لكنها ذات قلب طيب لا يعلم احد ما بداخلها فتذهب إلى البحر لتحكي له ما حصل معها
فإذا بها تبكي وتمسح دموعها، فتنظر حولها فلا يوجود أحد لكي يخفف الألم عنها ولا يعلم أحد ما بها، تمارس الرسم فتنسى أحزانها شيئاً فشيئاً، تعبر عن الضعف الذي بداخلها عن رسم *شخاميط*، و تمضي يومها وكأنه لم يحصل شيءٌ في الأمس بتطلعها الدائم للتطور والتقدم، وذلك بتحقيق إنجازاتٍ صغيرةٍ بشكل مستمر من أجل الوصول إلى مرادها حتى كانت هذه خطوات بطيئة كانت تخطئ في أشياء عدة فلا بأس إن كانت قد اخطأت اليوم *غداً أصبح افعل في تلك الامور التي مضت ذات يوم.* دخلت البيت مسرعة إلى أدراج غرفتها تبحث عن قصاصات أوراقها التي تبعثر فيها كل يوم سقطت ورقة من تلك الأوراق كتب فيها سأبقى معك إلى أخر العمر لا يفرقنا سوى الموت،قرأت الورقة وهي تتكلم وتتلعثم وتقول ذهبتي ولم يأتي الموت ذهبتي ولا يوجود سبب لفراقنا، كم أشفق على نفسي كم وثقتُ فيك وكنتِ الأقرب دائماً لي.
خذلتني، نعم خذلتني فمزقت الورقة وهي تحترق لم يعد أحد يهمني إلا نفسي سوف ابني لنفسي الثقة والقوة التي لا يستطيع أحد أن يهدمها، نعم نفسي تستحق الأكثر وتستحق الأشياء التي لا يستحقها الآخرين، كانت تشتغل بجهدها لبناء مستقبلها الذي لا تريد لأحد أن يدخله سواها، تمتلك منزل قرب البحر يبدأ صباح كل يوم بكوب من القهوة على منظر تلك البحيرة تفكر في محاربة كلام الناس الذي يهدم أحلامها تحارب لتصبح أفضل بكثير في أي يوم مضى من حياتها، آه يا أحلامي أصبحت مثل فراشات تطير أمام عيناي لتصبح حقيقة.
في يوم ما أحلامي تلك تساعدني لأتخطى العقبات التي تواجهني في كل حين، تخطيت مراحل الدراسة أصبحت أشتغل في مكاني ومكتبي الخاص، أضحك على أيام مضت أصبحت مثل الرماد …

” إذا أعتبرت كلام الناس تاجٌ على رأسك فستَهدم أحلامك لتبصح رماداً تحت أقدامهم. ”

بقلم: أريج أحمد.

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224 فكرة عن “فتاة قرب البحر”

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    While the Lego games can be enjoyed by just about everyone, one of their best features that doesn’t seem to get highlighted enough is that they are the perfect games for parents to play with their kids, as their mix of family-friendly content and easy-to-learn gameplay are a welcome respite from the many cooperative games out there that are not suitable for children (unless you own a Nintendo console, where they are in abundance). As for which Lego game to play, it really just comes down to which franchise you enjoy the most, as TT Games always delivers on fan service whether they’re tackling Star Wars, Marvel, DC, or the many other popular brands that have been Legoized. Normally the prospect of a game that you could sink hundreds of hours into would be … a little daunting for some. But hey, who knows how long we’re going to be stuck indoors for? So MMOs like Warframe, which have countless planets to explore and checklists to resolve, are a great alternative right now. There’s been tons of updates adding different activities. New frames have their own mechanics and playstyles, which is fun to discover. Bosses take time and teamwork to overcome, and the game is much better in 2020 about rewarding players through quests and missions than it was years ago.

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    Aby przedstawić czytelnikom w dużym skrócie, czym zachwyca ruletka online i dlaczego każdego dnia przyciąga setki tysięcy graczy, zebraliśmy wszystkie plusy i zalety tej barwnej gry. Oto one: Zrozumienie koła jest kluczowe. Kieszeń zerowa jest tam zawsze i może mieć wpływ na wynik zakładów. Wciąż istnieje szansa, że piłka wpadnie do tej kieszeni, zmieniając tym samym kurs. Zakłady na kolory dają 48,6% szans, a nie 50%, przy czym różnica rośnie jeszcze bardziej z amerykańską ruletką, ze względu na dodatkową liczbę w kole. Czy rzeczywiście taki system może przynieść dużą wygraną? Taktyka nie bez powodu została nazwana James Bond. Tak samo, jak postać literacka, jest ona trochę ryzykowna i niestety może też przynieść większe lub mniejsze straty. Matematycznie udowodniono, że istnieją taktyki, które wypadają lepiej dla gracza. Jeśli jednak nie boisz się ryzyka i masz trochę pieniędzy do wydania, jak najbardziej możesz wypróbować Jamesa Bonda.

  29. The Arizona legislature has determined who can file a wrongful death case. According to A.R.S. § 12-612(A), a wrongful death action may only be brought by a surviving husband or wife, a child, a parent or guardian, or a personal representative of the deceased person (or of the spouse, children, or parents) on behalf of the estate if no one survives the decedent. This means that only a birth or adopted parent, a spouse, or a birth or adopted child may file a wrongful death case if one is alive. If no one is alive, the estate may bring the action. In Rhode Island and Massachusetts, wrongful death claims can be brought on behalf of the deceased by their family or estate. In most cases, affected family members bring wrongful death lawsuits. These individuals may have their own claims for personal losses. Since wrongful death actions are civil lawsuits, any liability on the part of the defendant(s) is expressed in monetary damages.
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  35. To conclude our Dodgers vs Giants series preview let’s take a look at the starting pitching matchup. Heaney (0-1, 0.47) has made three starts against the Giants in his career, losing two of his three decisions while racking up a 7.02 era. Today’s start is just his 5th for the Dodgers this season after battling to stay healthy with left shoulder pain. A rivalry as old as time, the Los Angeles Dodgers visit the San Francisco Giants to open a three-game series at 10:15 p.m. ET on Friday at Oracle Park in San Francisco. “What can we say? We just wrote the biggest check in sports betting history to Mattress Mack for $30,000,000,” Fuchs said in a statement on Saturday night after Houston won. “Would we do it all again? You bet. While Mack may have won this round on the field, we’re proud of how we teamed up to support first responders and military veterans in Houston, Philly, and Atlantic City. And to Mack – we tip our Astros cap – and remind him that he can now support his Texans and Rockets … both attractively priced at +100000 to win a championship. The Astros are also currently +550 to win next year’s Fall Classic.” 
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  39. Chelsea’s new signing Joao Felix threatened throughout and the momentum almost turned when Kalidou Koulibaly equalised after half-time. Felix had a rush of blood though and dove into a silly challenge earning himself a straight red card which sealed Chelsea’s fate. Only six months in and the job is clearly taking its toll. That much was clear when he revealed prior to the match that he had received truly awful emails wishing he and his children were dead. MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – OCTOBER 26: Didier Drogba of Chelsea celebrates scoring the first goal during the Barclays Premier League match between Manchester United and Chelsea at Old Trafford on October 26, 2014 in Manchester, England. (Photo by Laurence Griffiths Getty Images) However, it isn’t unreasonable to expect much more from such a talented squad than the occasional win and maybe even a goal every now and then. Chelsea now have just two victories in their past 15 Premier League matches, a run stretching back to October.
    It is still some time away but you can now pencil dates into your diary after BT Sport and Sky Sports made their selections, which resulted in five Liverpool games being moved. Fortunately for Tuchel, as things stand his side do not have to worry about a nightmare run of fixtures against direct rivals. Tottenham Hotspur and Chelsea are looking set to battle it out for the signature… 26 12 2021- 15:00 – Aston Villa v Chelsea March 11, 2023 – Leicester City vs Chelsea (Away) Domestically, the club has won six league titles, eight FA Cups, five League Cups, and four FA Community Shields. Internationally, they have won two European Cups, two UEFA Cup Winners’ Cups, two UEFA Cups, two UEFA Super Cups, and one FIFA Club World Cup since their inception. In terms of overall trophies won, it is the fourth-most successful club in English football.Chelsea Fixtures 2022 2023 Premier League

  40. Copyright © 2023 American Chemical Society Red sprites formed above thunderstorms in the southeast Aegean Sea, as captured from the eastern suburbs of Athens, Greece on December 4, 2021. Credits: Copyright Thanasis Papathanasiou Watch the National Geographic Science Fair documentary This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate that’s been signed by the U.S. government. The means all transmitted data is encrypted — in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely. The two middle school Category Gold award winners will advance to the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge, an international middle-school competition staged online by the Society for Science.Two other students earned scholarships for their projects: Idaho State University awarded Rigby High School senior Chun Kit Bruce Lam with a $1,000 scholarship, and Boise State University awarded Hillcrest High School senior Abbie Holtom with a $1,000 scholarship.
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    The secret to winning in the Da Vinci Diamonds slot game is no mystery at all. Namely, the highest paying symbol is the diamond symbol, and if you manage to get a win with five of these symbols, you will be looking at a payout worth 5,000x times your initial bet. The highest possible winline in regular play is x5,000 the bet per line. This is a return of € £ $5,000 for a € £ $20 outlay of € £ $1 per line, but the lack of multipliers on this slot machine actually makes for a moderate to low level of variance which makes it unsuitable for some of the strategies we suggest on this site. The Da Vinci Diamonds slots would have been regarded as a standard 5-reel slot with general mechanics if it weren’t for its Tumbling Reels feature. Namely, the Tumbling Reels playing grid means that the winning combinations are formed when three or more identical symbols land on the paylines from left to right. Once the winning combo has been formed, the symbols will disappear and make way for new symbols to take their place, thus allowing linking several wins and increasing the payroll.

  52. One of the newer CSGO roulette sites is CSGOLuck, although it has been around for a couple of years now. A lot of time and money has gone into the creation of the site and it looks professional and clean. Similarly to CSGO Roll, it also operates the jackpot system of coins that pays out if the slider lands on green three times in a row. There is no complication in playing roulette or the CS:GO Roulette. To get started, you only need to sign up to gambling sites that offer the game as a service. In some sites, you may be required to link your account to your steam and social media accounts for single-click logins. After setting up your account, the next step is to deposit. Depending on the site, you can deposit using real money, cryptocurrency, or via steam inventory items like VGO skins or CSGO skins.
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    Polygon is a layer-2 scaling solution that aims to solve the scalability issues faced by the Ethereum blockchain. It has risen over 4,000% in the past year, making it one of the top-performing cryptocurrencies. Polygon is witnessing a rise in developers and its technology is being adopted for various projects. Meanwhile, it has a market capitalization of over $17 billion. Investors and traders, especially new market entrants, find it hard to choose the top crypto coins to invest in. This is because the market changes, and different cryptocurrencies peak for various reasons.  The trade-off here is between liquidity and security because you may need hours (check exact time with your cold storage provider) to get your coins out of more secure storage, which can be an eternity in crypto trading time. So, the decision around how much of your crypto portfolio goes into what kind of storage depends in part on your propensity to trade and your view of imminent market movements. Still, security and storage should be key items on your crypto to-do list.

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    At Entain, we have proudly put sustainability on an equal footing to our growth strategy. Copyright 2021, Unibet. All rights reserved. The Unibet welcome offer of Money Back As A Bonus Up To £40 If Your First Racing Bet Loses + £10 Casino offer is certainly an interesting one in comparison to other bookmakers. With most operators opting to offer free bets, Unibet have gone down a different route and offer money back should your first bet loses.. With a bonus validity period of seven days, punters have plenty of time to use the bonus, but here’s how the offer stands against some of the leading bookmakers. Keeping to the live dealer section, Unibet Casino also includes game shows from Evolution Gaming. It’s all featured under live dealer, so you’ll need to scroll through or use the search option to find titles such as Dream Catcher. Strangely, we couldn’t find popular game shows such as Deal or No Deal or Live Monopoly in the selection or with the search options. 

  58. Meta plans to shutter its Novi digital wallet on Sept. 1, just eleven months after the company formerly known as Facebook debuted it. Cryptocurrency products and services that can now run ads on Facebook Instagram: Vijay Ayyar, head of Asia Pacific at cryptocurrency exchange Luno, said mana and other metaverse-focused cryptocurrencies’ surge following Facebook’s announcement, is a sign of growing acceptance of the metaverse trend, according to CNBC. Crypto Exchange Bybit Grew From 1% to 9% Market Share in 2023: Kaiko After this program goes live, it will be “quickly followed” by a feature that will let Facebook groups limit memberships to users who own specific NFTs, and another project for minting NFTs via Facebook. NFTs might be monetized via “fees” or “ads” at a later date, according to a memo obtained by FT.
    Cronos has a controversial history, and has gone through two rebrandings. It started life as the Monaco token and attracted a small base of early users. After Marszalek acquired the Crypto domain name, the company introduced a new token, called the Crypto.org coin, which traded under the ticker symbol CRO. For a time, Crypto sponsored both currencies, but, after stating he would keep the two tokens separate, Marszalek ultimately decommissioned Monaco, effectively forcing outraged Monaco holders to swap their holdings for CRO. More recently, the Crypto.org coin was renamed Cronos, after Marszalek removed it from the Ethereum network and ported it to its own blockchain. There is a common saying among Web3 natives: “Not your keys, not your crypto,” referring to the personal key code that people use to maintain decentralised custody of their own crypto wallets. FTX is a centralised exchange, meaning that people entrusted it to hold their cryptocurrencies, and not all transactions are public. As it plays out, FTX’s public downfall could usher in more awareness and education on these principles, and more guardrails that both aid and slow down progress.

  59. Whether you’re seeking another strategy game or bombastic Marvel adventure, something is bound to catch your eye. Breaking game records like OG😎 You are now ready to download Crowd City for free. Here are some notes: Güzel bir oyun ama süre çok kısa reklamlardan fenalık geldi her başlangıç İçin 30 saniye reklam mı olur bu sebepten dolayı tavsiye etmiyorum yazık olur Beware! If another group has more members, yours will be taken completely and you will have to start from scratch… – limited score for more challenge The Crowd City is one game which comes across as the justification of its name. It involves the maker to gather all sorts of crowd from around the city. The game makes you become a leader. You get to influence people so that they can follow the leader. The game has a lot of gaming levels which shall put the skills and the abilities of the gamer to test. In order to be the best, the gamer has to try as many followers as possible and defeat all your enemies.
    The Atlanta Falcons fired coach Dan Quinn and replaced him with interim coach Raheem Morris. Morris will attempt to secure the team’s first win of the season when they face the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday (10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET, FOX) in a Week 6 game. Vikings: CB Mike Hughes (neck) departed in the second quarter with the injury that kept him out of two recent games, leaving the Vikings with only three available players at CB: rookie starters Jeff Gladney and Cameron Dantzler and backup Harrison Hand. CB Holton Hill (foot) was inactive for the second straight game. More Sports. More Leagues. The Falcons would go on to score two garbage-time touchdowns. A touchdown pass to Calvin Ridley, a nice catch, and Julio Jones in the dying moments of the game. The final score was 28-12. It was an embarrassing way for the Falcons offense to start the season. The defensive side couldn’t slow down the run. The team played sloppily, giving easy penalties throughout the game. It was an ugly game and start of the season for the Falcons.

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