تمضي بنا الحياة، سوياً نطوي الأيام والسنين دون أن نشعر إلى أن تأخذ منا أرواحاً جميلة سكنت الفؤاد، بلحظات رحلوا عنا وتركونا خلفهم، تسلينا ذكراهم عن ذرف الدمعة، الآن هم تحت الأرض بيننا وبينهم برزخ لكنهم يعلمون أخبارنا كما نعلم أخبارهم!!
نعم إن الميت يعلم من يحسن إليه، ومن يزوره ويدعوا له ويتصدق عنه
أهل البرزخ لهم نافذتين يعلمون من خلالها النافذة الاولى: الرؤيا والأحلام
قال تعالى” اللَّهُ يَتَوَفَّى الْأَنفُسَ حِينَ مَوْتِهَا وَالَّتِي لَمْ تَمُتْ فِي مَنَامِهَا ۖ فَيُمْسِكُ الَّتِي قَضَىٰ عَلَيْهَا الْمَوْتَ وَيُرْسِلُ الْأُخْرَىٰ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ”.
والإنسان النائم هو في الأصل ميت؛ فالنوم يعتبر موتة صغرى فيلتقيا ليعلم كل منهما خبر الثاني بمشيئة الله.

والنافذة الثانية إذا مات رجل من الدنيا حديثاً، التقت روحه بمن مات قبله يجتمع عليه الموتى ويسألون عن أخبار الأحياء كما تركهم.
ثبت عن النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – أنه قال: “ما من مسلم يمر على قبر أخيه كان يعرفه في الدنيا فيسلم عليه إلا رد الله عليه روحه حتى يرد عليه السلام”.
و ثبت عنه – صلى الله عليه وسلم -: أن الميت يسمع قرع نعال المشيعين له إذا انصرفوا عنه.
وقد شرع النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – لأمته إذا سلموا على أهل القبور أن يسلموا عليهم سلام من يخاطبونه، فيقول: السلام عليكم دار قوم مؤمنين،و هذا خطاب لمن يسمع ويعقل، ولولا ذلك لكان هذا الخطاب منزلة خطاب المعدوم والجماد، والسلف مجمعون على هذا وقد تواترت الآثار عنهم بأن الميت يعرف زيارة الحي له ويستبشر به.
وشرع الله أيضاً الاستغفار والدعاء، والصدقة، والحج ، والعمرة ، والصوم عن الميت وتعتبر من أفضل الاعمال التي يصل أجرها للميت ولمن عملها أجر كذلك، وأفضل الأدعية الأحاديث المأثورة عن الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام:
” اللهم إنّ فلاناً بن فلان في ذمّتك، وحبل جوارك، فقِه من فتنة القبر، وعذاب النّار، وأنت أهل الوفاء والحقّ. فاغفر له، وارحمهُ، إنّك أنت الغفور الرّحيم. اللهم عبدك وابن عبدك وابن أمتك، احتاج إلى رحمتك، وأنت غنيّ عن عذابه، إن كان مُحسناً فزده في حسناته، وإن كان مُسيئاً فتجاوز عنه. اللهمّ أبدله داراً خيراً من داره، وأهلاً خيراً من أهله، وأدخله الجنّة، و أعذه من عذاب القبر، ومن عذاب النّار. اللهمّ عامله بما أنت أهله، ولا تعامله بما هو أهله”. وغيرها من الأحاديث والأدعية .
وقد رأينا في وقتنا الحالي ضغوطات وهموم ومشاغل تواجهنا في هذه الحياة لكن هل نجعلها عذراً لنا حتى ننسى أمواتنا؟! الذين كانوا قريبين منا، عاشوا معنا أجمل أيامنا، ضلوا معنا في أقصى ظروفنا، أهدونا وأهديناهم وهم ليسوا بحاجة لها،
فكيف الآن وهم بأمس الحاجة لنا ولهدايانا تركناهم دون التفاتة ومضينا قدماً بلا ذكر؟!
ألم يخبرنا رسول الله عندما قال استغفروا لأخيكم من حديث عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه قال : كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : (إِذَا فَرَغَ مِنْ دَفْنِ الْمَيِّتِ وَقَفَ عَلَيْهِ ، فَقَالَ : اسْتَغْفِرُوا لِأَخِيكُمْ ، وَسَلُوا لَهُ بِالتَّثْبِيتِ ، فَإِنَّهُ الْآنَ يُسْأَلُ).
فهلا نفرحهم بعمل نقدمه لهم أقلها دعاء، ففرحتهم لا تصدق عندما يصلهم دعاء من أهل الدنيا، ومن دعى لميت سخر الله من يدعوا له بعد موته .

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  17. Ontario-based The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd. and Vancouver-headquartered BZAM Holdings, two licensed cannabis producers, agreed to a merger estimated to form the sixth largest cannabis company in Canada by sales. Continue reading your article witha WSJ membership The ETF tracks the performance of the Solactive Cannabis Index, a collection of companies that generate at least 50% of their revenue, operating income or assets from cannabis. Nearly 70% of the ETF’s holdings are Canadian companies. The new facility will be capable of performing 20 different tests on cannabis and cannabis products, including 14 tests on cannabinoids. Anandia is implementing state-of-the-art technology and automation to increase efficiency and minimize human error at the facility. As an example, Anandia is the first Canadian company to purchase the Perkin Elmer JANUS® G3 workstation robots to increase throughput in sample preparation.
    The pace of pot shop openings is beginning to slow in Ontario, where the number of stores increased by 20 per cent between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, down from a 34 per cent increase during the previous three months, according to a recent report from the Ontario Cannabis Store, the government-run marijuana wholesaler and delivery service. Marie and Bob Ross, who run Bob’s Bud Emporium in St. Thomas, are opening a second location in the Elgin Centre mall, a first for an independent operator in Ontario, where larger cannabis chains recently have expanded into shopping centres. My study compared per capita growth in store numbers, recreational cannabis sales dollars and user numbers from 2018 to 2020 in Canada. Yes. Store locations are posted to allow residents and the municipality 15 days to comment. The grounds for objection, though, are limited. The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, which is responsible for licensing the stores, will consider arguments that a proposed location is not “in the public interest” in order to protect public health and safety, protect youth and restrict their access to cannabis, or prevent illicit activities in relation to cannabis.

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    Δdocument.getElementById( “ak_js_3” ).setAttribute( “value”, ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Δdocument.getElementById( “ak_js_3” ).setAttribute( “value”, ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Здесь, главное, определиться, зачем вам нужна тушь: для создания объема или удлинения, подкручивания, эффекта накладных ресниц или естественного эффекта, нужен ли уход. Водостойкую формулу разработал бренд Helena Rubinstein специально для танцовщиц водного балета. А привычный нам формат — жидкое средство в тюбике — тушь обрела лишь в 1957 году. До этого она была сухой и набиралась из коробочки при помощи влажной кисточки. Назад Объём 70 мл. Isododecane, Water (Aqua), Beeswax, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Cyclopentasiloxane, Polyglyceril-3 Beeswax, Acrylates Copolymer, Silica, Polyethylene, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Dehidroacetate, Ethylhexylglycerin, Nylon-6, Laureth-21, Цветная тушь — это не совсем новый продукт на beauty-рынке. Она появилась еще во второй половине XX века. Это были: цветная тушь от Revlon Roll-On Mascara в синем варианте и Max Factor Iridescent Mascara Wand — в синем, зеленом, лавандовом и золотом.

  21. In my previous role as medical director of psychiatry within a large multi-specialty medical practice in New York, I began to work with patients who started medical marijuana after its legalization in 2014. These were mainly chronic pain patients who were prescribed marijuana in an attempt to help them wean down off high doses of opiates (with varying degrees of success). Finally, the experience of traumatic events in an individual’s life such as stroke, are likely to leave the patients with brain-health instability. The recovery path of a patient’s brain condition after such eventualities has basis on the kind of medication administered to the patient. Appropriate doses of the marijuana drug are effective in helping the brain cope with traumatic experiences. The after effects of traumatic events, such as stroke, which have effects on the brain of an individual require an effective form of treatment. The effective form of treatment not only provides an opportunity for future positive-health in the state of the brain, but ensures faster rejuvenation back to a functioning state.
    They may be raking up a lot of stems and leaves, but they’re also raking in the cash. Having already acquired CanniMed Therapeutics Inc. for just over a billion dollars, Aurora announced their purchase of MedReleaf (LEAF on TSE) in May of this year in an all-stock transaction, and signed a CAD$250 million dollar loan with BMO a few weeks ago – pretty uncharted territory for both LPs and any of the Big Five banks. “There’s a very distinct odor from the plant itself,” said Lancastle. We have developed laws to regulate distributing, selling, possessing, consuming and growing cannabis for personal use. Watch our video on the 10 things you need to know about the new cannabis law. “The (Health) Minister clearly stated during the debate that they reject any demand of a province to ban that right, and with that in mind I have no choice to continue to the end,” he continues. “I don’t understand why the Quebec government is fighting it. Here in Quebec we are kind of stuck with the fact that we have those people going against cannabis smokers.” 

  22. talkSPORT brings you full LIVE commentary of Manchester United vs West Ham at 7:30pm West Ham avoided becoming the 12th top-flight club to exit the competition before the last 16. A Scott McTominay goal in the first half of extra time was enough to secure a 1-0 win for Manchester United and send them through to the quarter-finals of the 2020-21 FA Cup. The Red Devils overcame a tough challenge posed by West Ham in the fourth round at Old Trafford on Tuesday. Tottenham will face another Premier League team away – Burnley – after ousting Wolverhampton. West Ham United: Jaaskelainen; Spence, Tomkins, Reid; Potts, Diarra, O’Neill, Diame (Collison), Taylor; Vaz Te (Lee), C Cole (Nolan). Faced with their toughest opponent yet in their FA Cup campaign this season, West Ham were handed another setback barely 10 minutes into the game when Angelo Ogbonna was forced off due to injury.
    Manchester City are on the verge of agreeing their second signing of the January transfer window. The Clarets replaced 6’ 3” Chris Wood with 6’ 5” Wout Weghorst, the most Burnley signing one could think of. The Dutch international has built a reputation of being a clinical finisher in the Bundesliga. The 29-year-old scored 70 goals in 144 games for Wolfsburg. They followed it up with more signings in September. They signed Romelu Lukaku which was their best signing of 2021. Chelsea ended a manic month by finally completing the £107m signing of Enzo Fernandez from Benfica in a deal that eclipses the previous transfer record set by Manchester City in 2021 when they bought Jack Grealish from Aston Villa for £100m. The Blues spent over £300m in January on seven new additions and have surpassed the half a billion pound mark already in just two transfer windows since Boehly’s takeover.

  23. A new entrant to the disabled dating world, this site claims to be a ‘step above all other disabled dating sites’. This is a ‘members only’ private dating site with a focus on the confidentiality, safety, and security of its members. In addition to the standard dating site services the site provides more in-depth services like a background check for an individual whom you want to meet but have a doubt about. Their match-making tool allows users to search for a match with similar interests, disabilities, and places of residence. They also have a support forum for members to be each other’s support system whenever needed. You only need to specify your gender, date of birth (day, month and year), as well as your email address (positive results and messages from other users will be sent there). Or you can register on the site through your Facebook account.
    Formerly known as FreeTone, TextMe is another second line app that has a free tier of service. Like Textfree and Google Voice, Text Me gives you access to a free number that lets you text and place voice calls within the US and Canada, though like Textfree (and unlike Google Voice) the free service is ad supported. It’s a good option if you’re looking for a permanent number that never requires you to earn credits or pay subscription fees, though the advertising within the app can get annoying. With 55 billion matches to date, Tinder is the world’s one of the most popular dating apps. Tinder has been one of the best ways to meet new people, chat and share photos, and find out who you are compatible with. With more than 4 million users, Tinder is one of the famous dating apps around the world and this number seems to grow in the coming years considering its popularity in different countries. If you already have an account on Tinder or you are creating one, you must have come across the option that asks you to submit your phone number for verification purposes.

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    Please visit our contact page, and select “I need help with my account” if you believe this is an error. Please include your IP address in the description. The world is filled with video games and different ways of connecting virtually, so even though you cannot meet your friends and have fun, that doesn’t mean you can’t play together. Game nights can be held in separate houses, and there are plenty of games that you can play online with your friends. We can safely say that 2020 has most inconvenienced us in a way we could have never possibly imagined. Since it’s close to the end of the year, it is almost time to wish COVID-19 a happy birthday and hope it disappears as vaccine trials start to show encouraging results. Adios, goodbye, au revoir, we bid you good riddance Corona! Until then, stay home, stay safe and get started on these online multiplayer games with friends.

  25. Popular searches Smith considers a chic neutral blazer her go-to item for busy days on the move. Sharply tailored into a slim-fitting, double-breasted style, the sturdy yet comfortable tweed is cut from a beige and ivory gingham check, which adds interest to simple basics. Dress it up with trousers for work or jeans with loafers for a polished off-duty look. First, what makes a blazer more or less current and “young” is mainly the cut. You will love these jeans, blue and blazer for nice party. Worth checking these casual wear, Beautiful blue blazer photos in 2022.First-String suit, white and instagram trends and fashion Byron Allen If you want to rock the blazer look, but prefer not to change out of your sweats, you are in luck! Celebrities and influencers alike are rocking blazers layered over their favorite sweatsuit. This look is a great way to transition from the work-from-home look to a casual lunch with the girls. The juxtaposition shown between the sweats and blazer gives an effortless luxe vibe, especially when paired with chunky dad sneakers and gold jewelry (via Instagram).
    High-Low Cocktail Dresses. With a flair for the dramatic, our collection of high-low women’s cocktail dresses makes it easy to cut a stylish silhouette. Explore the latest in A.L.C., ASTR the Label, and BCBGMAXAZRIA cocktail dresses, among others, and create a festive look in seconds.  Attending an outdoor wedding? Be sure to consider the climate when selecting your wedding guest dress. Breathable cotton dresses, casual day dresses for weddings, chiffon dresses, and other party dresses with light-weight fabrics are great for warmer weather. Semi-formal dresses with heavier fabrics, like mikado and jersey, are best for cooler conditions. Formal wedding-guest dresses with removable shawls, jackets, or boleros are both chic and adaptable for navigating changing temperatures between outdoor ceremonies and indoor receptions. Whether the invitation is for an indoor or outdoor wedding, be simply stunning in the wedding guest dress of your choice.

  26. You don’t have to wear a dress to a cocktail party when pants are equally appropriate, especially in the form of a jumpsuit. Again, the same rules apply: No cotton or anything that skews too athleisure. Look for styles that accentuate the waist, and don’t be afraid of pattern or bold colors. What’s more classic than some ruffles and a fishtail hemline? This chic, elegant dress is super versatile and can work for nearly any type of wedding for years to come, but the thick polyester fabric and off-shoulder neckline are going to make it a perfect fit for a fall wedding. Casual tops are likely not gonna fly at a cocktail party. Sure, a T-shirt tucked into trousers might look formal enough for the office, but this particular dress code is a bit stricter on that front. Instead of a tee, try a cool one-shoulder blouse or a flowy button-down paired with trousers or a cute skirt.
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  27. Description: Major & Minor Reflexology Points; our intermediate treatment is designed to relax all your major and minor body reflexology points by applying pressure to different areas on the bottom of your feet. Treatment includes a warm Tibetan herbal soak with more than 12 different herbs and flowers (not timed). The treatment is equally divided between both feet. Most guests enjoy a peaceful nap during the treatment. You will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed. Fairview Baker Foot Massage invites clients to their oasis of tranquility located in Costa Mesa. Here, clients may forget all their daily stress while treating themselves to a pampering massage with aromatherapy. Modalities include deep tissue, Swedish, and foot massage. May Sky Massage Spa successfully combine western massage techniques with an eastern approach towards wellness and well-being. Massage offered Swedish massage from light to medium pressure to relaxes people’s muscular tension and increase blood circulation, deep tissue massage from firm to harder pressure to treat muscles pain and release knots, improve stiffness, and Thai massage from passive stretching to increase the range of motion in peoples joints and muscles.
    Another eyeliner makeup trick for mature eyes that really works to brighten and open them up is applying a bit creamy white eyeliner inside or along the rim of the lower eyelids. Yes. According to Medhin, putting white liner in your waterline can make your eyes appear larger. But be sure to use a sharp pencil, whether it’s a twist-up or kohl pencil and not a liquid liner, for the best, most long-lasting results. And apply extra carefully to be sure you don’t scratch your eye. Embracing a similar graphic look to Grande, Monae keeps her colour concentrated above the eye. Discover our Collections > A Nordstrom reviewer says: “After trying several brands, I have finally found the perfect eyeliner/shadow! It is soft, creamy, and glides easily. The tip is perfect. And, it comes off simply with soap and water.”

  28. The lines published as part of March Madness odds previews are often Vegas odds. NCAA basketball is an important market for the Vegas books, so they work hard to promote their lines. However, you will find betting on college basketball at leading sportsbooks around the world, and you should always shop around for the most attractive lines. This means that if you bet on Ohio State to beat Michigan at -175, a winning $10 bet on the Buckeyes would give you a $15.71 payout. On the other hand, a winning $10 bet on the Wolverines at +145 would get you a $24.50 total payout. No matter what your bet is, or the odds are, you can calculate the potential payout using one of the above equations. The third is the totals line with the odds in brackets. Here, you bet that the total combined score will be over or under 165.5. You win $100, plus your bet back, for every $110 bet if you’re right.
    That’s entirely up to you. The majority of members use Andy’s Bet Club to build their football accumulators, help them with in-play betting and to pick their bet builders DISCLAIMER: This site is 100% for entertainment purposes only and does not involve real money betting or prizes. Fancy Juventus to win Serie A? Can Barcelona reign in Spain? Who will earn promotion to the Premier League? Bet on all this and more with our long list of domestic league betting markets. Leeds United (+500) There are many different options for betting on Arsenal globally. You want to make sure that the bookmaker you place your Arsenal bet at is legal in your country, has a good track record and is offering you the best possible price. Check out the Arsenal betting odds listed below, all of which are provided by online bookmakers that we have given our stamp of approval to. This section is kept up to date, so you always know you’re getting the best Arsenal bet prices. 

  29. Now comes, the second stage of actually beginning over the PhD thesis once your research proposal is approved. The first chapter is based on the introduction of the topic. Here you defend the reasons for taking up and choosing a certain topic for your research. In the introductory chapter of a PhD thesis, the researcher is supposed to discuss the previous work done in the same arena and justify his topic, as in what new achievement he is seeking to achieve in terms of his research statement and the predicted results. It always seemed very hard to find somebody well-qualified to write your thesis. But after a short search, I found this service. I am fully satisfied with this thesis writer’s work. He used up-to-date market data, wrote the easy-to-read text, and did well with formatting tables, charts, and in-text citations. Also, I believe he is not only a professional academic writer but also a master in business and marketing.
    Logical arguments are everywhere. From social media posts, newspaper op-eds, TV advertisements, and academic journals, people want to convince us of the validity of their argument. They make a claim and use reasons in the form of evidence or data to convince us their argument is correct. They structure their claims and reasons so their audience can easily understand them. Arguments that use well-chosen reasons, careful reasoning, and logical structures are logical arguments. Where there is more than one opinion, an argumentative essay can be written on that topic. The following are examples of argumentative essays on immigration. reconsider their views. The arguments within this essay are problematic as they do not provide enough examples of how exactly competition is overrated. The essay discusses the context in which competition is overrated but does not go far enough in explaining how this connects with the prompt. In the first example, school stress is used to explain how competition manifests. This is a good starting point, but it does not talk about why competition is overrated, only simply that competition can be unhealthy. The last sentence of that paragraph is the main point of the argument and should be expanded to discuss how the anxiety of school is overrated later on in life.

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  35. Another way to speed up Bitcoin transactions is to use a transaction accelerator for Bitcoin. Various such platforms allow you to accelerate BTC transactions. Looking at the market as a whole, cryptocurrencies at the moment are looking bearish. From the all-time high of $64,800 per Bitcoin back on April 14th 2021, the price of roughly $20K-25K per Bitcoin at the moment looks like an excellent time to get into crypto. If you’re worried about keeping your crypto with an exchange, consider moving your digital assets to a separate crypto wallet. Most exchanges allow you to transfer assets to these wallets, which can be online (on a separate platform) or offline (on a thumb drive with added security features). However, there is fear that the recent spikes in price are due to market manipulation from investors who have a particularly large amount of money invested in cryptocurrency. When these types of investors buy and sell large amounts of cryptocurrency, prices can swing significantly.
    Any blockchain solution, no matter how prescient, is only as good as its execution. This is where PwC excels—by offering proven expertise in managing complex implementation programs from start to finish. Speaking of Paypal, a number of established money services now offer in-app bitcoin purchasing, which makes it quick and easy for beginners to get their feet wet. It’s also worth noting that some platforms charge considerably higher fees to make certain transactions, which can end up eroding your investment if you do a lot of trading. So you should read the terms carefully before buying to make sure you understand the limitations of service. Bitcoin is generated inside a network that operates in a peer to peer system run by people known as miners. Just like the internet. Powerful computer systems all across the globe, sending and receiving data atop a set of fixed protocols is called internet. Bitcoin network is the financial version of internet.

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  38. There is no way to tell if a video poker machine is ready to pay out eminently. Video poker machines operate on random number generators (RNGs), a software system that creates millions of potential play options per second in a game. As it is completely random, players cannot influence the operation of a video poker machine to pay out, nor are there any tell-tale signs that indicate when the machine will distribute any jackpots. Today, I am going to share some useful Jacks or Better video poker strategy tips that will help you increase your win rate and enjoy more this exciting casino game. These video poker bars are for players who value atmosphere and great drinks more than having the best gambling odds. The house edge for these video poker games is about 5%.
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    Are you up to the Challenge? Complete your three daily goals and earn prizes! As on other online poker sites, you’ll find No Limit Texas Hold’em as the most popular variant. However, the site also features Pot Limit Omaha and Omaha Hi-Lo games, as well as the hold’em variant Crazy Pineapple, in which players start with three hole cards instead of two. There is also Surge Poker, a “fast-fold” variant only available to play online. And the site has Caribbean Poker, a casino table game favorite. For newcomers to playing poker online, downloading poker clients can be a bit off putting. After all, what other types of online gaming require this extra step? Instant play online sites mean avoiding downloads is possible, but often players must sacrifice the full diversity of features in return.

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    Archivo particular La carrera por el liderazgo de las divisas digitales ya ha comenzado y, tanto Europa como China, quieren tomar la delantera e impedir que las criptomonedas no reguladas sean el actor principal del mundo de los pagos digitales. “Estas monedas digitales responden al interés por parte de los bancos centrales de mantenerse actualizados para garantizar el cumplimiento de sus objetivos y funciones. Muchos bancos centrales están investigando sobre el impacto de la emisión de una CBDC en el sistema financiero, mientras que otros han apostado por la emisión de este instrumento y se encuentran en fase de desarrollo. Tal es el caso del banco central chino, cuya moneda digital DCEP se encuentra en fase de pruebas”, comenta Español

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  43. This is where the math comes in! Probability theory is the branch of mathematics that deals with figuring out the likelihood of outcomes. With a simple card game like Hi-Lo, it is pretty easy to calculate probabilities. For example, let’s say that the first card turned over was the two of spades (for the purposes of this project, our rule will be that aces are the lowest cards in the deck and kings are the highest cards). It’s pretty obvious that our best guess would be that the next card would be higher, right? Probability theory gives us a way to measure just how good that guess is. In order to calculate the probability that our guess is correct, we need to figure out what the possible outcomes are. Black Jack is not the casino game where players score twenty one. This game requires players to try playing all of their cards. They must pick up cards for penalties.
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  44. The English journalist and biographer Anthony Holden spent a year on the professional poker circuit from 1988–1989 and wrote about his experiences in Big Deal: A Year as a Professional Poker Player. The follow-up book, Bigger Deal: A Year Inside the Poker Boom covers the period 2005–2006 and describes a poker world “changed beyond recognition”. PokerStars isn’t illegal in the US. In fact, PokerStars is legal and offers real money poker game to US players in those states where online poker is allowed (e.g. New Jersey, Pennsylvania). When Europeans arrived in India, they brought their version of poker with them. By the nineteenth century, the modern poker game (पोकर गेम) had become the professional world in India. People, even in the countryside, had grown accustomed to the game. In today’s India, there are numerous poker clubs. Some are even available online, with variations on the original poker games.
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